The online racing simulator
Premium Stat clarification
Imagine I made these requests to a single LFSWorld pubstat action....
Req Timestamp Premium stat
1 14:52:00 false
2 14:52:01 true
3 14:52:10 true

Where premium stat = true, ps=1 is specified, otherwise it is not.

I know I should not be charged for request 1, and I know I should be charged for request 2 .... but what about request 3?

Premise being, I could get request 3 for free if I don't specify ps=1, but what happens when I do specify ps=1? Will LFSWorld take in to account the last request time for this provider and determine whether I should be charged for it or will it charge me regardless just because ps=1 is there?
it will charge you regardless just because the ps=1 is there.
It's not like your saving that much money. We're talking like .0004 pence here per query.
Quote from Dygear :It's not like your saving that much money. We're talking like .0004 pence here per query.

Depends on the size of the query, but I wasn't complaining, just enquiring. You would have to get a huge amount of visitors for this to impact you in a majorly negative way and even then that could be negated just by increasing the client side cache time.