Yeah Night Hawk, it's all your fault
Anyways, I went to Seirra's server or whatever thay call it to play online.
There was like 5 or 6 tracks (all ovals) and they were all password protected.
They have this little chat box at the bottom of the logon(?) screen that shows the hosts available. and there were quite a few people on it and well
they really just didn't seem newb-friendly...All I know is if I was one of them people that paid $200 for a copy of NASCAR 2003 recently and tried to play online, I'd be pretty unhappy.
With LFS when a new person gets a license that person is given advice, set-ups and pretty much treated with the same respect a WR holder is.
The NASCAR scene just didn't seem to be so accomidating
And yeah, that clock has saved my tail more than once