I use the keyboard for driving but recently I got a wheel too.
(Thrustmaster Rally GT Pro) http://www.thrustmaster.com/eng/d_prd.php?p=T310&fam=4
As you know there are two modes of keyboard driving in LFS.
"Keyboard - no help" & "Keyboard - stabilised".
I'm pasting the corresponding section from the LFS manual http://en.lfsmanual.net/wiki/Options#Mouse.2FKeyboard
and I'm highlighting the two important senteces that show up my problem.
I find the stabilized mode more difficult to handle as this automatic countersteering confuses me.
I prefer the no help mode where the wheel of the car just reverts to auto-center if no keys are pressed.
(I could say that the whole situation resembles the auto-gear shifting with the manual shifting differences. You could say that auto-shifting is easier for begginers but only if you use manual shifting you can make the perfect gear change exactly when you want it. The auto shifting has some threshold in the revs and it will change the gear if the revs are too low or too high no matter if a turn is ahead for example.)
So what the problem is...
I hooked up the wheel, configured it nicely, but I noticed that this automatic countersteering exists here too.
If I let the wheel after a turn to slip in my hands smoothly to auto-center, instead of that it makes some some stabilization movements exactly as the keyboard-stabilized mode does.
Movements that I think don't resemble the feeling of the car but they seem more like "stabilization steering aids".
Is there a possibility to avoid this somehow (with a setting or a future option) or simply this is how a wheel driving is?
Wow you reached the end of that huge post?
Glad you survived, do you still have strength for an answer too?
(Thrustmaster Rally GT Pro) http://www.thrustmaster.com/eng/d_prd.php?p=T310&fam=4
As you know there are two modes of keyboard driving in LFS.
"Keyboard - no help" & "Keyboard - stabilised".
I'm pasting the corresponding section from the LFS manual http://en.lfsmanual.net/wiki/Options#Mouse.2FKeyboard
and I'm highlighting the two important senteces that show up my problem.
I find the stabilized mode more difficult to handle as this automatic countersteering confuses me.
I prefer the no help mode where the wheel of the car just reverts to auto-center if no keys are pressed.
(I could say that the whole situation resembles the auto-gear shifting with the manual shifting differences. You could say that auto-shifting is easier for begginers but only if you use manual shifting you can make the perfect gear change exactly when you want it. The auto shifting has some threshold in the revs and it will change the gear if the revs are too low or too high no matter if a turn is ahead for example.)
So what the problem is...
I hooked up the wheel, configured it nicely, but I noticed that this automatic countersteering exists here too.
If I let the wheel after a turn to slip in my hands smoothly to auto-center, instead of that it makes some some stabilization movements exactly as the keyboard-stabilized mode does.
Movements that I think don't resemble the feeling of the car but they seem more like "stabilization steering aids".
Is there a possibility to avoid this somehow (with a setting or a future option) or simply this is how a wheel driving is?
Wow you reached the end of that huge post?
Glad you survived, do you still have strength for an answer too?