The online racing simulator
Real Life Pitspotter
(2 posts, started )
Real Life Pitspotter
From a review of the new Volvo S80

Quote fromä/HL20061111SI1AL02kct :Volvoon on tarjolla peräti 70 tehdasasenteista lisävarustetta, joista erikoisin on 800 euron hintainen BLIS-järjestelmä, joka varoittaa peilien katvealueella olevista ajoneuvoista.

"There are as many as 70 factory-installable extra feature, of which the most extraordinary is a €800 BLIS system, which warns of cars in the mirrors' blindspots."

Quite cool, wonder if it could be developed for specific racing disciplines where it informing the driver of cars around it would be advantageous..
#2 - herki
Oooold news - at least for me ... Car/Pedestrian/Sign-Detection systems are pretty advanced by now, just a few manufacturers actually implement them in their cars

Real Life Pitspotter
(2 posts, started )