I replcaced my CPU the other day and so of course LFS reverted back to demo mode, and unfortunately my internet wouldn't work so I couldn't unlock it, so I played in demo mode for a while. What happened though was the framerate seemed to 'stick' at various points. The framerate limiter was off and I normally get around 100fps, however the fps seemed to 'stick' at 64fps, or with a full grid, 32fps.
The specs that matter are: Athlon 3200+, GF6600GT, 1GB Dual Channel DDR 400.
When I unlocked it to s2 again, everything was fine and the fps jumped back up, and was constantly varying.
Anyone else have a similar problem?
The specs that matter are: Athlon 3200+, GF6600GT, 1GB Dual Channel DDR 400.
When I unlocked it to s2 again, everything was fine and the fps jumped back up, and was constantly varying.
Anyone else have a similar problem?