The online racing simulator
What Ways Can I Improve FPS
(69 posts, started )
#51 - Davo
General, yes and according to your pc specs I'm afraid that card won't even fit in your pc because AFAIK the 9550 is AGP and your mobo is PCIe.

it's strange that other games work fine. Have you tried reinstalling LFS? How about a lower res like 800x600? My old pc a Athlon 2100+ with 9600pro, which is a better card than the X300, struggled at 800x600 with about 8 cars. I didn't turn the settings down though, so maybe if you turned the settings down you could get a reasonable frame rate at a lower res.
Here are some screen shots of the settings i currently use

what should i change??
Attached files
GFX.rar - 783.9 KB - 183 views
#53 - Jakg
Erm. I thought you had a 7900? Its detecting a 7300LE - aka "Lame Edition". Perhaps you got confused?

Want more FPS? Lowest LOD settings, Disable Trees etc "yes". Half texture size, too. Plain sky. Dynamic LOD Reduction to "1"
#54 - Davo
LOL @ Lame Edition, unfortunately it's true. Turn down the details and turn down your resolution.
no joy

none of it made a difference
#56 - Davo
(AtomAnt) DELETED by AtomAnt
Jeff, when I was talking about dual-core patch, I meant update released by Microsoft for WinXP. IIRC it was supposed to fix some issues on Athlon X2s, but because there is no bigger difference between X2 and Pentium D task scheduling, it might help. Try to look it up both on google and Microsoft website.

99% of modern games have only ONE "main" thread, which means they cant benefit from dual-core CPUs. LFS isnt different. Games like ... nfs ... carbon and so utilizes graphics card much more than CPU. LFS utilizes GFX very slightly and when there is some bottelneck on CPU side, it is much bigger problem. Are you sure that your CPU isnt overheating? Use software like ThrottleWatch ( to see if there are some "empty" cycles put on execution queue. Every throttling bigger than 0% is BAD.

And BTW, Pentium D IS NOT dual-core Pentium 4, they use different cores.
Quote : And BTW, Pentium D IS NOT dual-core Pentium 4, they use different cores. Yesterday 23:58

yeah ik thats why i corected myself
#59 - Jakg
Got any crap running in the background?
umm application wise not really

there are 3 other user profiles on the computer. would that effect it (i think so)

i was just using throtttle watch and it never went over zero with 4 other cars on the track the fps was 45-60 the highest the cpu went was about 70

the frequency just said it went over like 3 million
#61 - Jakg
is that temperature, fps, usage, what?
look at this

its teetering on that fence post
Attached images
CPU Usage was never over 70
The red TM1 section never went over 0
The frequency hit what appeared to be 3,000,000

EDIT- Btw when i clicked on system info it only recognized one processor
but it gives me the choice to look at seaperated CPU load???

Picture: you can tell when i start lfs and when i stop
Attached images
#64 - Jakg

i just thought it was an odd deal
(look at the picture in the post above yours)
EDIT(lol, I need to lokk up the end of the threads)

As you see, the graph indicating CPU frequency is jumping a lot! CPU frequency must be constant, maximal admissable deviation is in matter of 1 - 2MHz. Get soft like SpeedFan which can measure your CPU tempreature...
Quote from Jeff_117 :CPU Usage was never over 70
The red TM1 section never went over 0
The frequency hit what appeared to be 3,000,000

EDIT- Btw when i clicked on system info it only recognized one processor
but it gives me the choice to look at seaperated CPU load???

Picture: you can tell when i start lfs and when i stop

I can, LFS starts up just when graphs on the top goes up to approx 60% CPU utilization and it stops just when those lines fall down again. 60-70% CPU usage is OK, because of the way CPU is scheduled and utilization measured. Real 100% CPU usage can be achieved only when there is ONE LONG execution cycle like rendering in 3DS Max or so.
I fixed my problem.

It was so simple, I'm a little embarrassed to tell you.

I decided to take apart my computer to see if there was anything wrong with my GFX card or CPU or anything really. I then realised mt computer case was really hot, the heat sink on the CPU was really hot, everything was hot. I let it cool for a while, and removed the dust from the heat sink fins and fan. Plugged it in and it was fine! 60FPS when on track, 30FPS when on the grid with 20 other cars!!

I always leave my computer on overnight, because I have always been advised to leave my computer on, due to the quick increase and decrease in heat.

But, my computer is sorted.

I can't thank Jakg and everyone who help me enough. - Thanks guys.
#69 - Jakg
Ouch! So your PC got so hot it started to thermal throttle?

What Ways Can I Improve FPS
(69 posts, started )