The online racing simulator
#51 - Jakg
Erm, Ocrana and Cyber are in it, so are Sert and T7R, i think SCCC are too.

I like the way you think UKCT would be in with a shot
Quote from Arrow. :Fusion racing Team Presents ...

Core. - Entered
Redline Racing - Entered
1st - Entered
XFR - Entered
Clownpaint - Entered
Mercury - Entered
MG Racing - Entered
[noobs] - Entered
Fusion - Entered
Elite squad - Entered

erm, no they're not!

Cyber & Ocrana were both invited, both declined for whatever reason which is a shame but certainly wont make things any the less interesting. Mercury will be sending out a few drivers not just the fastest pair for a specific combo, entering into the spirit of things and letting everyone that wants to take part have a go. Shame they couldnt have done the same, even if the 'big guns' couldnt/wouldnt take part, but whatever, their loss.
Why haven't you invite MUROC? Or you have

Edit: @UKCT, I have stuming races last night whit you guys and that team is fast, belive me
And why is here no tHunder, they have Norbi, oh man
And n!faculty, what about them?

Clownpoint, Elite squad, man I never heard for them!
They may have been one of the originally invited teams... ... /battleoftheteams1ny5.jpg

Top Left going across:

Ocrana, SERT, [noobs]
Cyber, Clownpaint, sccc, 1st

Plus Fusion makes the originally invited 10 teams, when the teams declined to enter those places were opened up and people could apply for a place, they've been taken now, and im pretty sure MUROC didnt ask for a place. It a europe heavy series really, maybe in the future more of a mix will be involved, maybe Ocrana and Cyber wont chicken out... who knows.

As for Clownpaint and Elite, cant say i've heard of Elite (has anyone other than Elite?) and cant really say anything about clownpaint either, they seem to have a forum presence and outside of that i've no idea (from my own perspective/viewpoint), they seem to have built a team on this forum and 'whored it' a bit, but I cant really recall seeing them on the track anytime.
I have fining for Ocrana and Cyber:
Maybe they dont won to join becouse they are not shure they will be winner so bether to dont compete. If they join and be 2nd then they have bad on their name (they are 2nd)
Hmm... all the same for muroc
Big S is SERT, they have realy fast drivers from Serbia. Anfortunutly CROtm is not fast as they are ... We have only 4 sirious drivers whit S2, plus lot of demo ppl... And from that 4, 2 are fast , but SERT has so many fast S2 Serbian racers and many of them are fast, chek out OPS league (Misko is admin there)
Isnt stopping us from taking part! Ocrana have twice failed to turn up for OCR v Mercury races when we tried to organise it, they just didnt bother turning up.
As i say, Mercury will be throwing out as many drivers as are wanting to take part, i should be in the first race and I always have been and always will be the slowest member of Mercury, im 103rd in the HL rank there as you know RAWWWR!
Paul I have read you post again and you seed that you havn't seen Elite and Clawnpoint on-line, me too haven't seen them. That is why I have ask about them!
#59 - Jakg
ive seen Clownpaint, they're even in the MoE, aren't they?
I'm sorry to beeng noob, but can someone tell me what is MoE?
#61 - Jakg

A prestigious endurance LFS league
Aha, I know that league, but havn't know short, Maybe they are only league&event team, maybe they dont race on publicillepall
#63 - Jakg
ive seen and raced both [Elite] and Clownpaint, who go around as cP

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Elite is a very good Belgian racing team. They dominate the 'VRL league' for quiet some years, a Belgian league for the Dutch speaking people from Belgium only and yes, the level of that league isn't perhaps like MoE or others, but it has a high standard. Sorry Elite to spoil your underdog roll here, but you all will have to look out for them for sure, even Mercury. As the name said, they are the Elite of the Belgian LFS community. They are also known beside tacing in the VRL in the previous 'RCX rally league' (believe it was RCX, pardon me if wrong),where all the fastest rally racers drove and even there they were present at the top. That's all I can think off at first moment...but I'm sure they drove much more. They also raced several team battles (vs Muroc,...).

Clownpaint I haven't met in any leagues personally so can't form an opinion about them, however I've heared they do have very good racers a board.

The fact that SCCC was invited is an huge honour, and we are really pleased about that. Unfortunately SCCC is,as most say, a classic LFS team, but not orientated on the hardcore league racing, more the having fun racing. Some say we aren't a team, just a bunch of friendly clowns, that is correct, but don't underestimate our racing quality's I personally think it's a shame we don't turn up, but I can't force any other member to cancel a family trip to race in this, when I'm not racing myself and we don't have a sort of 'teamleader' or so. We are no Cyber or Ocrana who are teams (in my eyes) pure for the "serious big leagues racing", like ESL ect... Therefor I have a slight tendensy to support Mercury above Ocrana, cause altough they are gods on the track, they stay acting like humans and don't forget to have fun with other (slow) racers in public servers. While like the people from Ocrana, beside one race with Vince (which I barely see online anymore since he's Ocrana) and two times seeing a Nilyn online I haven't met anyone accidently on a public server from Ocrana. I call that a shame.

Anyway, I wish every team good luck, much fun and some great action!
We'll start training with our Cabs secretly for next year ^^
NIKI, what´s your point anyway? Arrow invited a lot of teams but most of them declined the invitation and he opened the league for applications so any team could apply. If they´re not here it´s because they weren´t interested in taking part or couldn´t take part.

Jakg, you should really check if the information you´re giving is correct. If you don´t then it´s just pure spam.:spam:

GianniC, the [noobs] are really hardcore league racers and we have a great "team leader".:chairfall

Oh and NIKI, that´s MoE...
(shaGuar) DELETED by shaGuar
OK, what is my point? My point is that we will not have best team on this competition!!! My personal opinion is that Ocrana, Mercury and Cyber are the best. Only Mercury is here so he will probobly win

Edit: @ moe - lol
Quote from Kalev EST :GianniC, the [noobs] are really hardcore league racers and we have a great "team leader"

I know that, where the hell is the team leader anyway, we were going to do an Acolyptic Clash, the noobs of the noobs battle, only done once in 95478 bilion years: SCCC vs [noobs]

I know, it's disapointing to see that a team like Ocrana doesn't want to/can participate but oh well, their choise...
#68 - th84
Waiting on you Gianni!

I didnt even know we had a "team leader".
Just wanted to let you guys know that I posted something on LFS News regarding the beginning of this series:

If you ever want to have any other stories on LFS News (like race results, etc), just throw me a PM and I'll be happy to post them.
Quote from Tweaker :Just wanted to let you guys know that I posted something on LFS News regarding the beginning of this series:

If you ever want to have any other stories on LFS News (like race results, etc), just throw me a PM and I'll be happy to post them.

Cheers Tweak
We will probably post our results here and on your lfsnews, if that's ok?
thanks again for advertising..... what do i have to do for you now? :nurse:
Quote from N I K I :OK, what is my point? My point is that we will not have best team on this competition!!! My personal opinion is that Ocrana, Mercury and Cyber are the best. Only Mercury is here so he will probobly win

Edit: @ moe - lol

ey, u forgot to count in thr
excuse me Fusion/thr. rev?
this is going to be good im gonna sit back and watch some fantastic replays of race's, i think we should host the races on one of our redline servers that way atleast duck will get banned for his colourful language giving everyone else a chance
Quote from Arrow. :you must stop for fuel

Hummm never noticed this rule before.. but since the first race is coming saturday already I won't complain
Could you please explain what you mean with "stop for fuel" though? 1% refueling will do?
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