The online racing simulator
#1 - axus
Event Schedule change for event 5?
I just looked at the event schedule again and the 19th and 23rd of December are getting a bit too close to Christmas for many, I think. Would you like to have these races moved to the dates of event 6 and have the whole calendar shifted forward one week?

Its up to you guys, but looking at it now, it doesn't seem as good an idea as it did at the time of making the schedule. If more than half of the racers would like to see it changed, then we will do the change. If not, then we'll leave it as it is.
I'm not fussed about the 19th, but the 23rd would be getting close to Christmas, so my vote (for the sake of Saturday's racers) goes to shifting it one week later.

(if there is meant to be a poll I can't see it yet)
For me the events are late enough so for me it's not a problem. The saturday people may disagree, depending the time of day of the events... But imho the tuesdays are fine (for my part)
doesn't matter to i'll do whatever you decide.
Saturday driver, i don't mind. I'd mind moving it back a week since we have to re-do a race. THus that race would come to the 17th which is a week off school for me. That seems OK but it's not since i race mountain bikes and my team goes to the sea, where it's warmer to train in the off-week.
#6 - GabbO
For me (19th) it would be ok. I dont really want to shift it.
And since my new Mavic Crossmax isnt here yet, mountainbikeing
wouldnt mess with it neither
#7 - maczo
I would like to shift, but this is because I'm leaving for the week preceding Christmas (so no big fuss if we don't shift, I will just need a replacement).
#8 - bozo
I do not have a problem with the 19th, and would prefer to be racing if all teams can be present.
I'm not fussed about racing on the 23rd. TBH I would prefer racing before Christmas than a few days afterwards.
Yeah, before Xmas is better for me than after
The 23rd is ok for me, can't speak for my team mates.
23rd is OK I already booked it ages ago
Quote from GabbO :For me (19th) it would be ok. I dont really want to shift it.
And since my new Mavic Crossmax isnt here yet, mountainbikeing
wouldnt mess with it neither

Now? Don't you have any snow? And the new ones (red an black) or the old ones? If the old ones, you have too much money :P
Actually, for the winter i have tyres with spykes
And it is the new one, and the ST model. But with the Michelin XCR Dry2
tyres i propably have to wait till is gets more dry.. I already got enough
blue spots on my body while riding the Conti Verticals in this conditions... ouch... but it helps you to keep focused
23th is ok for us too!
Well as we celebrate xmas on the 24th the race does get a bit close but looking at the majority of people who can race I shall add my self to the list too...

23rd Saturday is Ok for me...