Hello !
Just came here to sugest some little things, not to get flamed, so, face this as opinion and point of view.
I have been annoyed by the lack of steering information mainly when i play whit the road cars (tbo), since its general very low pressure tires that is being used because of its better grip wich makes the car wanders and feel like a boat imho.
Ive tested some car weight changes whit Lfs Companion using a big and heavy engine, and imho the 'physics' felt way better whit the added weight, in some senses like, if tire pressure are too low it looses grip instead of gaining like before(horizontal-lateral grip),it felt better whit pressure in mid to high, also the car felt more in the 'ground' and overall handling and steering information feel felt better and more realistic imho, the locked diff that is comon on time attack sets (wich is unrealistic) also felt more real, i mean, its like the tires now had a more true contact whit the ground, because when using the locked diff before, the tire simply feels kinda like its floating while cornering whit it (no im not talking about in lift,talking about physics)
and now i could feel it fighting for traction and loosing it instead of gaining,and i did not notice any bad behavior of the suspension either.
My sugestion is that maybe a miss and under calculation of weight is causing some of the imperfection whit tires, and i wanted overal cars to be heavyer - physics reviewed.
Just came here to sugest some little things, not to get flamed, so, face this as opinion and point of view.
I have been annoyed by the lack of steering information mainly when i play whit the road cars (tbo), since its general very low pressure tires that is being used because of its better grip wich makes the car wanders and feel like a boat imho.
Ive tested some car weight changes whit Lfs Companion using a big and heavy engine, and imho the 'physics' felt way better whit the added weight, in some senses like, if tire pressure are too low it looses grip instead of gaining like before(horizontal-lateral grip),it felt better whit pressure in mid to high, also the car felt more in the 'ground' and overall handling and steering information feel felt better and more realistic imho, the locked diff that is comon on time attack sets (wich is unrealistic) also felt more real, i mean, its like the tires now had a more true contact whit the ground, because when using the locked diff before, the tire simply feels kinda like its floating while cornering whit it (no im not talking about in lift,talking about physics)
and now i could feel it fighting for traction and loosing it instead of gaining,and i did not notice any bad behavior of the suspension either.
My sugestion is that maybe a miss and under calculation of weight is causing some of the imperfection whit tires, and i wanted overal cars to be heavyer - physics reviewed.