Hi guys, Im needing some help in relation to the skin below, ive tried on and off for a day and a half to get the top pod stripe to match up with the lateral pod and the sides, ive manipulated the top pod stripe in every way i know how with photoshop cs and i cant get it. ive searched the web trying to find tutorials to help me gain the technical help i need to create designs across the skin and make it all match up.
Any help would be appreciated, my goal is to eventually create some of the amazing skins i see posted in here.
http://img.photobucket.com/alb ... 1/FOX_TIGERUNFINISHED.jpg
Any help would be appreciated, my goal is to eventually create some of the amazing skins i see posted in here.
http://img.photobucket.com/alb ... 1/FOX_TIGERUNFINISHED.jpg