The online racing simulator
Trouble inserting setups
(9 posts, started )
Trouble inserting setups
I have recently downloaded a few different sets from the INferno site. The only problem is they dont seem to appear for me to select when in the pits....

Sorry if this has been posted before, dont have much time to search as on lunch break!!

Thanks for your help in advance,

H (Jack Bauer)
You have to put them into <LFS>/data/settings.

Do NOT rename them!
There might be an exception though, if the car name has a space in it. Apparently a few setups from Inferno replace the space with a _
Just make sure they are named correctly (look at RACE_S setups to see how they're supposed to be named).
I'm sure that it all looks ok, its in the location you have stated. I will double check later to be 100% sure!

Thanks matey,

And you need to leave/re-enter the pits to make them show up.
i've recently had the same problem, the only way i seem to be able to get setups are by people sending them in-game to me.
#6 - Davo
If there are spaces in the car names make sure they are not an underscore but an actual space. e.g. XF_GTR_so1.set = no. XF GTR_so1.set = yes

edit: beaten by android
i just tried downloading them whatever way the come from the inferno site, i presume Inferno have it correct.....
#8 - Davo
I've had a few inferno sets that had the underscore problem, most are fine though. Not sure what it depends on that they get renamed with underscores everywhere.
#9 - Bean0
Quote from tristancliffe :And you need to leave/re-enter the pits to make them show up.

No you don't.

Since the patch that associated replays and setups with LFS.exe, I have been able to double-click a setup that I have downloaded to my desktop and it gets copied to the correct folder and shows up instantly in the pit menu.

Trouble inserting setups
(9 posts, started )