The online racing simulator
Blimey's New Race Sim Engine
(9 posts, started )
Blimey's New Race Sim Engine
The latest edition of AutoSimSport has an interview with Blimey!'s Ian Bell, who provides some information about the new race sim engine that Blimey are developing in-house. I had been quite excited by the prospect of an entirely new, next-gen race sim engine and delighted that Blimey would no longer be using the, in my opinion, deeply-flawed ISI engine. That is, until I saw this: "...Autosimsport: Designing a scratch-built simulator seems like a giant task - can you tell me who is involved in the design of the physics themselves? Ian Bell: We're re-using the suspension and some other aspects of the ISI tech here. ..." Aw crap.

Also in the interview, Bell divulges that Simbin have been providing financial backing for RaceSimCentral, though he emphasizes that one of the conditions of that backing was that there was to be no bias or special treatment as a result.
So, the "full" in-house physics engine is "partially" ISI-based. Funny logic, that.

Quote :We're re-using the suspension and some other aspects of the ISI tech

Translation: We're actually using all of the ISI engine (maybe with a few tweaks here and there) but we know there are a lot of people who don't like it, so we're going to be ambiguous in our wording.
#3 - DeKo
Quote from BuddhaBing :Also in the interview, Bell divulges that Simbin have been providing financial backing for RaceSimCentral, though he emphasizes that one of the conditions of that backing was that there was to be no bias or special treatment as a result.

That explains the bias and special treatment then.
I don't get what's so difficult with sims anyway, the physics (tyres aside) is the easy bit of making a racesim (IMO). You're either using the actual physics equations, or bullshitting with something else.

That seems to work in my analyser anyway.

In the case of tyres there are no absolutely wrong or right answers, IRL tyres can be tuned to do just about anything.
another f1c mod then.
i have more faith in the Iracing engine (the makers of GP legends, ex-papirus)

The sim is in development

something good has to come out from the ex-papirus team
Quote from BuddhaBing :Also in the interview, Bell divulges that Simbin have been providing financial backing for RaceSimCentral, though he emphasizes that one of the conditions of that backing was that there was to be no bias or special treatment as a result.

That isn't exactly news. RSC's Simbin department has been branded ever since GTR and they didn't do that for free. Whoever thought to the contrary must have missed how such things work in the real world.
Quote from Bob Smith :That seems to work in my analyser anyway.

I have the impression that going from a set of equation output values to making it feel and look right to someone in front of a PC, is the real bitch
You gotta love marketing!

Blimey's New Race Sim Engine
(9 posts, started )