Why?? [no updates since P2]
(48 posts, started )
Whats your problem? Are you just waiting for someone to ask a noobish question so you all can bash him. Do you think the devs needs a bunch of hobby lawyers?

Maybe he has bought S2 ... maybe not. Wonder how you guys can tell
#27 - Don
no but its pretty weird to bash devs for not giving any updates and claiming he bought s2 since he didnt buy it, and even more possible he stole it! (his status is demo-racer and if you look at lfs world he has no stats)
OMG There are so many ungreatful people on here!

Geeez give them a break, the devs have been working hard, give them some time. Im quite sure they are working on new things everyday, its just that
they are not releasing anything until they have something big.

Tired of these threads now, when is this coming out, why isnt that released... Go play rfactor if you want unrealistic mods... Otherwise, stick around and be patient.
#29 - Vain
I'm completely okay with the devs demand for holidays. Let them take their time. It's their job and it's them who tell them when to work and when not to work.
But I wanted to write a word on the kind of updates:
I like smaller updates. If someone would fix the sound-issue with locking tyres and no sound I wouldn't want to wait 2 more month until the update is big enough. Better a small patch every once in a while instead a big patch every new year.
But I'll say again: I'm completely comfortable with the devs current behaviour! Have fun guys!

Quote from Akuma66 :We got S2, and it is great to be honest the devs deserve all the rest-up they want. They have already earned my £24 upteen times over.

I agree entirely ^ I've bought tonnes of games over the years and rarely does one keep me interseted for longer than a few weeks.. a really good one maybe a month or two Well i've been at LFS nearly every day for about one and a half years now and I still cant wait till I get home from work to try a new setting lol And the real kicker is most other games have cost me $90 bucks on average LOL so LFS seems remakably cheap even if I never see another update!
In times like these, where patching already starts with DEMOS and bugged full versions, sometimes completely unplayable out-of-the-box, I wonder why something, that has less bugs in the alpha as some games in the full version, demands an update... What for?
I'm not positivly sure I understand what you mean...but LFS isn't like most games in that there is never a " finished full version" there will be lots of patches becaus its still being devoloped, but they never that i know of have released somthing that isn't playable, and if that unfortuantly happens they are normaly quick to get on it.
I meant that other games needed patching before they even got playable or their demos contained so many bugs, that patching the demo was necessary... Compared to this, why should LfS needs an update so desperately, that someone can't wait another 3 months? I myself found not a single bug yet...
#34 - Vain
-> Skid-sound-bug

Quote from bbman :I meant that other games needed patching before they even got playable or their demos contained so many bugs, that patching the demo was necessary... Compared to this, why should LfS needs an update so desperately, that someone can't wait another 3 months? I myself found not a single bug yet...

Ah okay got ya
If i was paying a subscription for LFS then i would rightly expect updates and fixes on a regular basis !

But seeing as we have all paid our money, and got a great game to start with - there's only so far your £24 can take LFS before they need another 12 or 24 for a significantly improved version. I guessing that LFS is their sole income, so they cant be expected to provide regular updates i.e. every month when they are working on bigger things they will keep them in the black. Fair enough if there were some serious flaws with S2 then they should be fixing them free of charge..but otherwise i'm not expecting anything groundbreaking for some time now, and when something does come along - i'm expecting to pay these guys some money for the privilege of running it.

Just enjoy what you have and help support the modding community for now - the LFS experience is what you make of it


PS - If the devs read this i for one would rather pay a monthly subscription rather than a one off price if it ment you could employ someone to provide regular improvements and revised content for LFS
Perhaps the demo should be 'fixed', so that new stuff is only available in S1/S2.

Obviously bug fixes, and certain things deemed necessary for the demo should be added, but some things should be kept from them as much as possible. This will give MORE incentive for the cheapskates who only use the demo to pay the tiny pittance required.
I don't think we'll see too many broad, sweeping changes in a patch any time soon. I doubt that Scawen will do any physics changes until S2 final because that would invalidate all of the current hotlap times, world record times, replays, etc. If we get anything soon it will likely be small server-side options, interface tweaks, etc. Stuff that won't affect every single replay that's already out and floating around.

Frankly, I think the non-physics stuff would make give the most bang-per-programming-hour anyway.
Quote from bbman :I myself found not a single bug yet...

The high nose aero exploit? The aforementioned skid sound bug?
Yeah, pointing out bugs to me makes that much sense when I say that I haven't found any yet... illepall
Quote from bbman :Yeah, pointing out bugs to me makes that much sense when I say that I haven't found any yet... illepall

So you haven't driven a single downforce car at the oval? Nearly everyone uses that bug to an advantage.

Have you never looked back in the FO8 (clipping bug).
Have you never touched the pit building walls, and been thrown around?
Have you never played LFS?

You WILL have encountered a bug or two. I promise you that. Whether or not you noticed is another matter altogether...

LFS is NOT bug free. But it is extremely playable despite the bugs, and by far the best driving simulator available today (or tomorrow).

All imho of course
just to sayt about the updates...

a.) why try and rush an update if it will need updating again cos it was rushed?

b.) would you not rather have 1 large update than loads of annoying little ones? there are so many games that have this and it annoys me.. say counterstrike for instance.. every time i have gone to play online i have had to update? whats the point!!!!! if it aint broke. dont fix it!!!!

c.) how many people here would actually bother trying to update there game every week / month? i know i would rather stick with what we got and enjoy some racing rather than waste another 30 minutes a week updating when i could be enjoying a good race with my friends..

also whoever said about the devs could afford a contractor to do the house work , 1.) i assume you know how much they spend in their private lives then? 2.) why hire a contractor when you can do it yourself and get exactly what you want.. then use the savings to get something nice.

oh and the bugs, fair enough they need fixing.. but everybody seems to be using them to an advantage in one way or another so i dont see a rush to fix it untill it starts disadvantaging a few people.

my 2 cents.
Quote from tristancliffe :So you haven't driven a single downforce car at the oval? Nearly everyone uses that bug to an advantage.

Oval? Why driving something boring without any challenges (trackwise)?
Quote from tristancliffe :Have you never looked back in the FO8 (clipping bug).

No, FO8 isn't very interesting to me...
Quote from tristancliffe :Have you never touched the pit building walls, and been thrown around?

Why should I have? I live by the rule car+wall=bad...
Quote from tristancliffe :Have you never played LFS?

That I have done...
Quote from tristancliffe :LFS is NOT bug free.

I never assumed it hasn't any, try not to interpret things in my post I never said or will say...
Quote from tristancliffe :But it is extremely playable despite the bugs, and by far the best driving simulator available today (or tomorrow).

100% agree...
I'd say there are not many BIG bugs in LFS, not many in quantity that is. There are quite a few little ones, but the big ones are the ones that need addressed. Like collision detection, the tire modelling, the physics modelling. I'm not listing stuff that I personally think are bugs, just the big ones that have been said here time and time again. So what happens when they send us an update for every little thing fixed? Setups won't work and we will be back at square one with racing again. So they send us a note, "hey we have an update. We fixed the tire model and it is working perfectly now." Fantastic, it's a few days until everyone gets it downloaded. Now everyone is complaining that their old setups aren't working anymore. So we all spend a month getting the setups back into shape, just in time for them to post another update. This time they fixed the downforce. Ok, here we go again, rebuild setups because changing the downforce will change everything else in handling. Finally get the setups right again and they change something in the physics...... blah blah....

I don't want an update after every little thing is changed. I'd say unless S2 is fully released, then update as many things as possible before releasing the update.
#45 - Gunn
Some people seem to think that a feature that is not yet fully implemented is a bug. This is of course not true. Remember we are at alpha stage. If something doesn't yet exist or is still being developed that doesn't mean it is a bug.
Heh, true, very true. S2 alpha is so good, a lot of people forget it is not a finished game!
And then they moan about the 'it's not finished' argument, even though it's 100% valid.

People didn't moan that the GTR demo was a bit shoddy in places, cos they knew it wasn't finished.... Of course, the fact that the full game was shoddy in many areas too took the wind out of their sails, but yes...

...LFS S2 isn't finished, and LFS itself won't be finished until S3 has been released (and patched a bit I expect).
Quote from tristancliffe :And then they moan about the 'it's not finished' argument, even though it's 100% valid.

People didn't moan that the GTR demo was a bit shoddy in places, cos they knew it wasn't finished.... Of course, the fact that the full game was shoddy in many areas too took the wind out of their sails, but yes...

...LFS S2 isn't finished, and LFS itself won't be finished until S3 has been released (and patched a bit I expect).

hehe gtr is possibly the most buggy sim ever made... just go to the gtr forums and have a read ..... and the use of starforce didnt help their cause....

people who play lfs just need to be patient....s2 full will be out soon and then s3 we years (yes years) later....

Why?? [no updates since P2]
(48 posts, started )