The online racing simulator
NewLayout Cops&robbers
(23 posts, started )
NewLayout Cops&robbers
event occured at 2:29:20-2:29:30 replay time

MilitantPotato tells everybody I had reset when I hadn't. He then gets people to vote ban me.

Now I'm banned from the server for no reason at all. MilitantPotato himself should be banned, because there is no excuse for hanging somebody for smth they didn't do.

I'd also like to know why some of these people voted to ban me when they obviosly were wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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flip.mpr - 712.4 KB - 487 views
i had that problem the other day, got peed off with one of the cops and wouldnt spec (although i did spec after a few seconds) and he voted ban, and just sat out my ban, doesnt really bother me now but id suggest if you have a complaint about someone take it up with the admin of the server.
Play, I'd like to start off by saying I enjoyed your PM's, almost like reading a scene from Jerry Springer.

I watched your replay to see what happened on your end, and indeed you did roll back over.
On my screen you hit the wall, layed on your side then instantly back on your wheels.
We all know LFS handles jumps/impact poorly online, especially when there's lag, which obviously was the case here.

I apologise for calling for your removal from the server, but on my end, you did reset, at least it appeared that way.

I was wrong, my bad, I'm sorry. If I see an admin on the server before your short term ban expires I'll ask you be unbanned.
This is a problem with LFS in general and needs a better system, give people the option to ban and 9/10 times they will, with no good reason.

When I actively host I always remove that option, as people love to e-f**k other people because there are no consequences on the internet.
just curious, if the admin is not there and a whole bunch of people vote to ban you cant you just leave then come back during your ban
Quote from MilitantPotato :Play, I'd like to start off by saying I enjoyed your PM's, almost like reading a scene from Jerry Springer.

Yeah, I'd like to see how you feel in such a situation. :arge: I'm sure all of have in one point in their life been falsely accused of smth they didn't do - remember how good that felt. Now if you get "executed" for it - that's a nice warm feeling right there.

This is the second server of C&R I was banned from - the first one I was banned from was because I didn't stop when the police told me too... For crying out loud, the guy made up his own rules. Now this. :arge:

In addition, I'm banned from a conedodgers server (mind you, one of them - the most active one, not all) for gods know what :arge: But this is an admin ban and I can't get an answer why I was banned, although I'm sure it must be some sort of misunderstanding, cos I'm not a wrecker or a bad driver

Quote from imthebestracerthereis :just curious, if the admin is not there and a whole bunch of people vote to ban you cant you just leave then come back during your ban

Yeah, I've seen some aholes leave the server before ban vote is completed and then return. I was going for the same thing... and then send the replay link. to everybody, but I was already banned.

Quote from Xaid0n :i had that problem the other day, got peed off with one of the cops and wouldnt spec (although i did spec after a few seconds) and he voted ban, and just sat out my ban, doesnt really bother me now but id suggest if you have a complaint about someone take it up with the admin of the server.

But in your case you were braking the rules, while I wasn't !?
(MilitantPotato) DELETED by MilitantPotato
Can anyone help?

can i join cops&robbers if i run a demo version?

If yes, how?

#8 - Gunn
Guys, the hosts section of our forum is for discussion about hosting, not about what server you got banned from unfairly or whatever. It isn't about advertising your server either or whatever track or layout you are running. This section was created to help people who want to learn how to get their host up and running, how to run insim apps and other tools etc.

Topics complaining about getting banned from a server do not belong here. In future they will be locked and/or removed.
Quote from Gunn :Guys, the hosts section of our forum is for discussion about hosting, not about what server you got banned from unfairly or whatever. It isn't about advertising your server either or whatever track or layout you are running. This section was created to help people who want to learn how to get their host up and running, how to run insim apps and other tools etc.

Topics complaining about getting banned from a server do not belong here. In future they will be locked and/or removed.

So where the f*ck do they belong? I get done over on a server and I get dun over here! F*ck you too!
it doesn't go in this forum, thats where PLAYLIFE

we dont care about if your banned or not, because there is nothing anyone here can do if you're banned anyway..
Quote from XCNuse :it doesn't go in this forum, thats where PLAYLIFE

we dont care about if your banned or not, because there is nothing anyone here can do if you're banned anyway..

Except the host! ("LFS Hosts forum")

Of course, I do apologize that I forced you to read through all this thread and hear me complain. Next time I'll add a freakin disclaimer "don't read if you don't want to". Suppose it is needed for people like you!
#12 - Jakg
there is NO forum for this because this does NOT go here.

You were votebanned, not admin banned (you said so yourself ffs!) and that means its only 1 day, what a long time to wait.

This does NOT go on the forum at ALL
Quote from Jakg :there is NO forum for this because this does NOT go here.

You were votebanned, not admin banned (you said so yourself ffs!) and that means its only 1 day, what a long time to wait.

This does NOT go on the forum at ALL

So where does an admin ban go to?

Additionally, I wanted him banned from that server for banning me for no reason! 1 day wait has nothing to do with it!
#14 - Jakg
What do you mean?
1) I mean I'm admin banned from Conedodgers server 1 and there is no way to contact the hosts to show them how it is wrong that they banned me.

2) I want MilitantPotato punished for banning me. I don't think it is fair that he (without allowing me to prove otherwise) just convinced everyone to ban me. In court everybody is allowed to prove their innocence. MilitantPotato was not interested at all if I actually could be right, although I told him so. He just wanted to ban me.
#16 - Jakg
1. its very easy to contact the admin of Cone Dodgers, actually

2. He said he THOUGHT he was right, and that he know understands it was a mistake
Quote from PLAYLIFE :So where does an admin ban go to?

it goes in an email to the host/owner of the server

dont take my posts as being rude or incosiderate or mean, im just trying to point out that there is nothing we can do here except maybe give you a link or an email address, so you can contact people, but posting here will only bring in negative comments (as you can see)

which that actually brings up a good point, it should be a requirement for servers to put in an email address incase anything is to occur, which can be viewable at any time either ingame or at LFSW would work
Quote from RacerAsh3 :Can anyone help?

can i join cops&robbers if i run a demo version?

If yes, how?


If the server is running as a demo server, then yes. I suspect its running in S2 mode, which provides additional resources, such as being able to load a layout.
Quote from Jakg :1. its very easy to contact the admin of Cone Dodgers, actually

If you want to be clever and muck, that's fine. Expect the same from me in the future!

Quote from Jakg :
2. He said he THOUGHT he was right, and that he know understands it was a mistake

So if he gets banned then next time he'll check if his god-like instincts are true.

I don't see how it is OK to unfairly ban the hell out of me - no questions asked, but when I ask someone to be banned for a reason, it is all "hey, it's OK, we don't need to ban"
#20 - Jakg
im not being clever at all, im just telling you its VERY easy to contact them, as you could not only PM them here, but also go to their website...
Quote from XCNuse :it goes in an email to the host/owner of the server

dont take my posts as being rude or incosiderate or mean, im just trying to point out that there is nothing we can do here except maybe give you a link or an email address, so you can contact people,

weee....:banana:finally someone thinks like I do

Quote from XCNuse :
but posting here will only bring in negative comments (as you can see)

which that actually brings up a good point, it should be a requirement for servers to put in an email address incase anything is to occur, which can be viewable at any time either ingame or at LFSW would work

All very true, but still, if it is so easy to hav ethe e-mail address, why no-one shares it?
Quote from Jakg :im not being clever at all, im just telling you its VERY easy to contact them, as you could not only PM them here, but also go to their website...

I went and joined their forum. I was not allowed to post anywhere.

How do I PM them here? I did not know that was possible. I posted on the teams forum, as everyone usually suggests - no answer (
#23 - Gunn
Quote from PLAYLIFE :So where the f*ck do they belong? I get done over on a server and I get dun over here! F*ck you too!

If you feel the need to rant about being banned from whatever server we have a special topic just for that purpose. Forum members and staff can not effect banning decisions made by server admins or people who might have voted to ban you so there is no point airing your grievances here. If you want to resolve a banning issue, only the admin or owner of that server can really help you. It is perfectly understandable that people become frustrated by a ban and that they want to sound off about it, but nothing good ever comes from this and it won't help you in your quest to get a ban lifted.

NewLayout Cops&robbers
(23 posts, started )