When the wheels have already broken traction before the torque reaches to the guy holding the car "it's not that hard". Put a 4x4 even only in RWD mode with low crawl gears and he won't be able to hold it.
That's not nearly as annoying as the audio, which is a complete bodged-up editing mess and not at all related to the footage. It's amazing how many film-makers think they can get away with it.
"Climb Dance" is probably the worst.
The worst example of audio/video mismatch I've ever seen was on the intro to one of the 1970s F1 season reviews. The video was an onboard showing 2 cars from a team (Tyrrell or Renault IIRC) doing a very slow lap around Monaco. The audio was from Senna's 1991 pole lap. Wrong decade, wrong team, wrong driver, wrong engine type...but the right circuit.