The online racing simulator
LYTe - layout editor
(189 posts, started )
Thanks for the update! Will try it out later tonight.
Got this error Stuff. Cant create new layouts or open old layouts.

[27/06/2007 6:30:42 p.m.] 91: Object variable or With block variable not set in frmLayout.Initilize
Quote from sil3ntwar :Got this error Stuff. Cant create new layouts or open old layouts.

[27/06/2007 6:30:42 p.m.] 91: Object variable or With block variable not set in frmLayout.Initilize

I've got the same error message.

Other problem:
I've tried to translate the GUI in german, but some chars (Umlaute; german_options.jpg) looks bad. An other point is (english_options.jpg) if the titel of "save options" / "load options" in the options dialog is correct. Doesn't it should named as "save layouts" / "load layouts"?

But else: Nice, great application
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wow 100 hundred million errors when i open it , it seems to hate either my lfsd foler , my lfs layouts , me and just hates me with a passion
Bah! Yeah.. very stupid mistake on my part (of course) for the initialize bug. Left some debugging code in there that caused all those problems. Anyway, its updated and I added a few more features as well. Let me know how it goes.. -click me
Quote from Stuff :Bah! Yeah.. very stupid mistake on my part (of course) for the initialize bug. Left some debugging code in there that caused all those problems. Anyway, its updated and I added a few more features as well. Let me know how it goes.. -click me

Thanks for the new version - translation with "Umlaute" works now fine. I'm not happy with my translation - possible it's a template (sorry, I can't upload the .lng file - it's only possible as zip file)? Will the diffrent objects be also translatable later (p.e. banner ad1, bale, etc)?

Some times if I start LYTe, the Icons in the menu bar are missing?! If I close the program and start it again, they are visible?!

I can't resize the dividing line between object menu and layout - is this an uncoded program part or a bug? I can only hide the object menu with single click.
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Ups... bug found: If I zome with Shift and mouse wheel... zoom factor jump from 100/50/25/13 to 3 %...

zoom factors 800, 400, 200, 100 works fine

any updates on this nice "little" program ?
I made the french language file. I think i didn't made mistake in the conversion.

I had some trouble with the special characters like é,è,à,° but i converted the file format into ANSI and the troubles went away.

As mentioned by Pasci, there is an annoying bug with the zoom out with mouse. It jump from 100% (or lower) to 3% wich is realy annoying. By the way, why do you allow such a low view %? Who use 3% to see a layout ? I think it should allow 50% but not less.

Good update, this program become more and more interesting and the handeling is better. Keep working !!
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That's because you don't have a licence, so layouts cannot be used at all, online or offline. Purchase a licence and the joys are yours for the taking.
I'll have a go of it later tomorrow . I like the idea of drawing a line of objects easily. One of the things that scared me away from making layouts in LFS was having to place each object with equal distances.

I just wanted to ask, I didn't see it in your original post but I was wondering, would it be possible to add a feature where you can draw a corner and adjust the track width so that you can have a 4m wide corner but you only have to draw one side of the corner and then the program will automatically make the other side to be 4m apart. If you can do that, I would LUUV IT!
Would it be possible to allow stacking hay bales? Like, a wall of hay bales?
Hello! Little update: LYTe is still under development, at least slowly, and mostly in C++/OpenGL now. IRL things have been busy so I haven't had much time to code and make anything substantial.

Anyway, for the curves and stacking.. I have alpha curve code, and undo code, in C++ so I might be able to implement those updates easily in a update. At least the zoom bug and languages. For stacking, haven't really tried. I could experiment with the Z coord and see what happens. Its always upto LFS so not much more I could do than that.
Hey thanks this is really cool

well done

works fine with me and was easy to understand and use
RAMPS & any more objects? Other editors?
is there any possibility that you make it work with the other tracks ? because i'm trying to make a BL1 CityDriving Layout, but it's too damn difficult doing this @ LFS and align all the barriers properly...

sorry to Bump BTW.
Maybe a stupid question but.....

Do I need the auto-cross editor to make auto cross layouts ?

quote from LFS-Manual:
The autocross editor is accessed by pressing SHIFT+U inside the game. In there you can save, load and edit layouts

When I press Shift+U I can only change the view of the car
Quote from HeerBommel :Maybe a stupid question but.....

Do I need the auto-cross editor to make auto cross layouts ?

quote from LFS-Manual:
The autocross editor is accessed by pressing SHIFT+U inside the game. In there you can save, load and edit layouts

When I press Shift+U I can only change the view of the car

Try pressing space to show controls if they're hidden
I placed some tyres and barriers, but the tyres don't show up ingame. Is there a problem with version x30?
Look at that:
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Something to add to your request list: Could you put in a feature to make the cones "larger than life" when showing on the map? Right now, they are tiny when the entire course is visible, and artifically large objects (especially cones) would make it simple to print out a course map. BTW -- I really like your future plans for this tool. Sounds like it will become the "compleat" autocross tool.
That's strange.. I haven't tested a LYTe (VB6) layout in X30+ yet so I guess it could be that. I don't see any autox related changes but I will do some testing later today to check. I do need to release an updated/fixed and final VB6 version soon as my C++/OpenGL version is progressing.. And yeah, adjusting the size of the objects depending on zoom level was one of my planned updates. Any others I should add?

I attached a screenie of the South City SMX rendered in the new C++ version. No objects on it yet. I will have to start making those models and textures, if I can't use the .dds ones, soon. Anyone with some 3D modeling skills (3Dstudio/blender/etc) want to help?
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Please you can to do a tool to make Curves? With adjustable degrees and sizes, larges.. etc. Like corel draw
I am unable to figure out how to use the "pack" feature.

I select a group of objects, using click and drag select. The "add to pack" button appears and I click on it. A file requester appears, for me to enter a name for the pack, and I provide one and the file is saved.

However, there is no way for me to access it. The list of packs remains empty.

(As an aside, the instructions say to provide a filename, only (without a "AU_" or "BL_" prefix or ".pack" suffix). However, attempting to comply, results in notification that the prefix and suffix are required, and a filename without them, is not accepted.)

Anyway, this is a cool program (it would be especially nice if it could be used with all tracks), and the pack idea seems to be potentially very useful, but I'm not sure if it is an as-yet-unfinished feature, or if I'm just not doing it right. Please, explain in sufficient detail, how to use the pack feature.


Bah! I never did implement that pack feature correctly. Or at least when I wrote the documentation I wasn't thinking clearly. Whatever the case, the file dialog is correct and the doc is wrong. Use (AU/BL)_(name).pack. Eg: "AU_bale_corner.pack", when saving.

The current VB6 version is in no doubt need of an update but I may not get to it since now I'm doing it all over in C++/OpenGL. All tracks should be supported in that one along with undo, curves, autox manager via InSim, etc.. Stand by..

LYTe - layout editor
(189 posts, started )