203 Setups in one .zip
(49 posts, started )
yes bob it worked L is the key thanks
Quote from Blowtus :not everyone wants to bother downloading a setup every time they enter a new track / car combo.

So the answer is to get someone else to bother for them eh?
err, yes. if one person goes to the effort, as has already been done, then many people don't have to. more efficient that way.
Quote from Doorman :So the answer is to get someone else to bother for them eh?

Well the setups at inferno aren't always suitable for racing anyways since they're set up for hotlapping. They often have poor handling, and the tires are oft shot after 3 laps.

Is it that much of a bother to be asked? It's only two-button clicks to send a setup. And if you don't want to help a guy out then just ignore him. No biggie.
I have no problem with sending sets the whole point of it is that you can send a set quickly, unlike in other sims where you have to upload and download them from sites.
Hello guys,

may be I should rethink this setup-pack thing. Certainly we don't want to make people's life more difficult by denying such improvement like this.

So yeah, your reasons are valid too

I'll come back, when we are done creating this feature.
Brilliant dude! Saved me alot of time!
Thanks =)
The setupfield site link in this thread does not work for me. Maybe it's just down for maintenence, or maybe it moved??
Hello guys, this request (all setups in one click) became quite popular, so Gergo just implemented this feature at Setup Field.

So, you can save time now
great stuff
Quote from Palee :Hello guys, this request (all setups in one click) became quite popular, so Gergo just implemented this feature at Setup Field.

So, you can save time now

awesome, thanks!
one reason why i ask for a setup whilst at a circuit is i can actually see the setup being used.

its a lot more usefull to see the different racers in actual races and how their setup behaves and not just one hotlap or just a lap time and a criptic comment on the setup.

i agree though that somepeople seem to go mad and ask for setups off every driver that finishes in front of them especially on demo servers and then when they cant magically win the next race they start asking again
Are these the fastest Team Inferno setups or just random ones from each car/track combi list?
They are good setups uploaded by an approved member list. Normally you can be pretty sure that these setups are either WR setups or the closest available to a WR set.

However, they might not be best for each individual - if your driving style is, say, different to biggies then his setups might not benefit you as much as someone elses.
beginner question. What folder do you put them in once they are downloaded. Cheers
mini, put them your "LFS/data/settings" folder
does this setup pack get updated? i am sure that new setups are being added to the infernos webby and others ? would be nice to stay up to date.....

btw the setups posted are personal setups so not everyone will be able to drive them.. i certainly dont like most of the infernos sets as my driving style is different and Bobs sets welll... they are just too slow for me

Quote from Hankstar :mini, put them your "LFS/data/settings" folder

Thanks For That
Yes, they are always updated.
Dude, I came here looking for exactly this sort of thing.

I never really play the game long enough to get setups completely right, and don't yet have the know-how to do them completely by myself anyway.

Many thanks, and kudos to the guys/gals who made these!
Quote from deggis :A bit off topic but I can't understand why so many asks after they join a server "someone have a good setup?". It can't be too hard to alt+tab or Shift+F4, go to the Setupfield website, download a setup and get back to the game.

Go find me a UF1 for SO Classic them. I have a 6 mph disadvantage with the only setup I have that holds the chicane on this track and it's blank where you suggest...
thanks guys
#48 - p1u
Page doesnt work :<
#49 - Tez4
Quote from Seahorse :Go find me a UF1 for SO Classic them. I have a 6 mph disadvantage with the only setup I have that holds the chicane on this track and it's blank where you suggest...

Go try the set-up for FE1 reverse, it works well for SO Classic, you just have to mess with the gearing.

203 Setups in one .zip
(49 posts, started )