The online racing simulator
Top Gear Test Track
(32 posts, started )
Top Gear Test Track
Hey guys, I've had a go at creating the Top Gear Test track in LFS autox

I realise our Autox area is clearly not big enough for the full size track, so certain areas have been scaled back a bit, but I believe this is the best it can possibly be for now

Test runs in the LFS reasonably priced car (UF1) has returned times of 1:01. So yes I understand it isn't exactly true scale, but its impossible to make it properly (for now)
Hope you guys enjoy it, please give it a go and comment

Turn 1



Follow Through

Past the tyre bundle

Second to last corner

Attached files
AU1_takumi_top_gear.lyt - 4.5 KB - 3762 views
#2 - Jakg
thats nice work!
cheers, just thought I'd also add ALOT of marshall zones have been set up on this layout to police corner cutters. if you put your wheels over the apex lines on hammerhead for example, you'll get hit with the penalty.

keep within the proper lines and you'll be fine works good online too
That looks good man!
#5 - Davo
Nice layout. Follow through doesn't seem right for some reason. I'll have to get my Top Gear eps out and refresh my memory. Currently running on OzSport server. upload isn't very good so you're online experience may vary.
not sure what you mean by 'not quite right' everything is basically the right layout, just that whole middle section between T1 and chicago is alot shorter than real life due to AU1 being not wide enough
#7 - Davo
It feels too narrow turning off follow through, as you can see here there's a whole runway of space. Should be able tot ake that without lifting off, they keep mentioning it on the show. At the moment you have to rbake to make it onto the back section.
That's great man. Like always downloading right now.
well until scawen gives us more room to play with it'll stay that way and i cant just make that section wider as when you pass through chicago the second time that turn would end up being almost non existant.

it's a compromise
Here's a diagram of the top gear track, doesn't show much but I hope it helps:

Your's looks pretty accurate though.
great effort there mate, i really wanted to have a go at this
Finally somebody gets the geometry of Chicago correct. Good job.

Although, to nitpick, I'm pretty sure that the real Chicago goes around the outside of the tire wall (the one that's actually present on the real track). But given the size constraints, your version is fine.
Thats amazing, thanks!
I'm a noob in this sense, but I have no clue how to access a custom layout, must it be online to do so? And btw it looks great, I really hope I can do it offline.
No need to be online.

Just go to any track and press Shift-U. Press space to toggle the editor menu. Here you can save and load layouts.

To get this one to work....You can save the .lyt attachment in the first post above. Save it to your ...lfs/data/layouts/ folder.

Then select the track AU1 from LFS and you should be able to see the new layout name from the track select screen.

Alternatively you can go to the AU1 track and press shift-U and choose LOAD (bottom right of screen) and choose the newly saved layout file.

Wiki help -

BTW: I'd like to try this layout sometime soon.
Thanks so much for taking the time, after learning how to use custom sounds, and now layouts, I finally understand the concept behind how everything works, and now I should only need look into the guide for the key combo to access such things.

Also, I'm a HUGE fan of Top Gear, have many episodes, although not all, I want to buy everything, I need to look into that, I dunno if I can. I think the track as good as it can be in LFS, as the author says. And it's certainly a challenge.
Ok call me weird but for some reason i had to go around this layout in every car in LFS and see what time i can get.

BF1 = 0.43.14
FOX = 0.46.64
FO8 = 0.46.67
FZR = 0.46.79
FXR = 0.47.09
XRR = 0.47.75
FBM = 0.49.14
XFR = 0.50.75
UFR = 0.51.44
MRT = 0.51.81
RAC = 0.55.70
LX4 = 0.55.87
FZ5 = 0.56.26
LX6 = 0.56.83
FXO = 0.57.42
XRT = 0.57.50
RB4 = 0.57.83
XRG = 1.02.66
XFG = 1.02.66
UF1 = 1.05.40

ok the laps will be not true because of my bad driving, but oh while, all the laps were done in default setup
Nice one !!! maybe theres a chance making it a bit longer ,,,
About as much chance of that as slowing down time.

Is it just me or does the start straight feel too thin?
someone should make a movie where they take some cars around this layout, in Top Gear style.
Quote from G!NhO :someone should make a movie where they take some cars around this layout, in Top Gear style.

Yeah, it can be a really good idea
Quote from JasonJ :About as much chance of that as slowing down time.

Is it just me or does the start straight feel too thin?

mate, there are plenty of things which are more wrong than the width of that straight

the track had to be seriously resized to suit the limited autox area. where possible i have tried to keep the corners as a fairly accurate representation of the real ones.. but the scale (and length) of the track changed so much.

I could have made the start straight wider, but then the section between the first corner and chicago would have been much shorter. it's also worth noting, the second time you come through chicago (past the tyre bundle, on tv) you are driving back onto the main runway again - it should be straight and lining up with the runway going down to the hammerhead, but you'll notice i put a kink in it. because if i made it straight that corner would barely be a corner at all. sorry if it's confusing, there were just many things to consider, that's all

Quote :UF1 = 1.05.40

the track isn't big enough. the stig's fastest time is 1:44:4.

Quote :well until scawen gives us more room to play with it'll stay that way

is BL3 bigger than AU1? that might be an alternative, if it's big enough.

and even though you didn't put any bouncy-barriers on the track, i've always thought they look better than random chalk lines all smushed together that i've seen on so many layouts.

other than that, it's a good track to goof around on... i think i had it downloaded it at some point.
Quote from bunder9999 :thoughts:

the track isn't big enough. the stig's fastest time is 1:44:4.

is BL3 bigger than AU1? that might be an alternative, if it's big enough.

and even though you didn't put any bouncy-barriers on the track, i've always thought they look better than random chalk lines all smushed together that i've seen on so many layouts.

other than that, it's a good track to goof around on... i think i had it downloaded it at some point.

BL3 is actually smaller, so we are out of luck. i went for chalk lines because full on barriers everywhere would have wrecked the look of it in my opinion. the real track is on an open airfield so i tried to do the same.

by the way, in the first post:

Quote from Takumi_Project.D :Test runs in the LFS reasonably priced car (UF1) has returned times of 1:01. So yes I understand it isn't exactly true scale, but its impossible to make it properly (for now)

(Tomasevich) DELETED by Tomasevich
Quote from Tomasevich :Great layout - loads of fun. Thanks a lot

Why you need to bump a month old thread..?

Well, if this started again.. i say something too...


Top Gear Test Track
(32 posts, started )