Wow thats a lot of snow, i would like to see something like that, the only snow i see is at the north of the country, but just a little, like 2cm and it dissapear in at least 2 hours
Muhaha! In Finland we have lots of snow... finally. Winter is like 2 months late thanks to global warming. On the contrary, it sometimes can snow in May
Temperature is btw currently -25ºC... not so nice tho.
Get that amount every year really, I live down in south east (as it says in location), but i am on the North Downs which is about 700feet high! So we get snow to that amount every year really
Il post a picture of a view that we have just down the road, looks over kent! Shows how high up it is (if i can find the picture )
Old picture of frontyard (cottage and garage shown in pic):
And the usual dog poo in my backyard I can see some parts of the San Francisco Bay, that's about it.
As for what is on the street... just a usual bunch of cars, but I live in a hilly area with a narrow 1 lane road. My neighbor's decided to paint their house bright yellow with bright blue trim... illepall.
South of it, but still on the penninsula. About 40 mins away.
I don't go to it often though, if I go across it, and need to get back, I need to pay $5 Used to be like 2. Last time I did go see it was about the same time I took those pictures above... Then I went to Mexico coincidentally. Cabo and some places near Tijuana, heheh.
Quite old, typical house. Bit down the street is grass and trees, on the other side down the street are more houses... Newer ones though, it's a social neighbourhood thingy, built just few years ago. Our house was build a year before that... There goes thinking you're in a quiet place!
Thanks, shes part Pitbull, and part Lab, and shes the sweetest dog. Thats not her hair though, its just a blue headband that my dad put on her for the heck of it.