The online racing simulator
We need an international skin-database
(12 posts, started )
We need an international (or official) skin-database
Its just a thought, but wouldnt it be nice to have a website, where everybody has access to download all public-skins for lfs?
A place where only high-quality skins and skin-pacs can be uploaded by great skinners.
A place where everybody who plans to make a new skin can search if the skin has already made.
A place where the skins are sorted after car, name and date.

I know that there are already websites like this, but they dont present every good skin.

So what do you think about my idea?
I know about this site and Im member, but this is just a forum where the skins are sorted by the author. And they dont have every good skin.
But they have a lot
lfs-files used to be kinda like that. it was a really nice resource. i think it Tweak was involved with it... he did mention plans about bringing it back but i haven't heard anythign about it in a long time.
#5 - joen
Sounds like a good plan. I think it would be a good idea if there would be a skins section at, but I believe they want to keep it limited to textures mainly.
just a thought, but couldnt we connect it with lfsworld? We are all uploading our skins in 1024*1024. And that is an sufficient quality, i think...

The website could also be useful to save Copyrights
#7 - Gunn
There are too many skins to expect them all to be hosted at one location. Furthermore, many skins are just crap and are often short-lived, sad but true. Management and policing of skins in such large numbers is a nightmare for admin staff.
Master Skinnerz is about teaching people how to make skins, not for hosting purposes at all.
LFS Files ultimately failed even though it had many good points. Software like LFS Skin Manager helped with distribution and access but even so the site became a real chore.
Although the basic idea of a central skin depository is not a bad idea, in reality people just produce too many skins these days for it to be workable. The closest good concept is one where only the good skins are hosted and all of the 5 minute Windows Paint skins are rejected.

The skins download feature in LFS was born out of problems experienced in these areas and although there is no one perfect solution it has gone a long way towards solving some of the major problems with skin access.

There exist today some sites which allow you to upload and display your own custom skins, but don't expect them to handle all of the community's skins, it is just not practicle and is was very labour intensive several years ago when we had half the number of cars and a fraction of the number of racers in the community.
Quote from Gunn : The closest good concept is one where only the good skins are hosted and all of the 5 minute Windows Paint skins are rejected.

Thats is what exactly my idea.

But perhaps you are right when you say that its too much stuff to handle with It's a pitty.
I just wanted to make a suggestion.

But what if the skins get hosted at "" ?
Our future-dream-skin-page so hasnt got problems with traffics.
And if we only allow "skilled" skinners to post their links, there wont be any problems.
#9 - Bean0
What about if people created their own galleries on their own webspace that only themselves and possibly a few others could upload to. Then these sites get submitted to a central repository.

People would soon realise which sites are good and which are not so good, there's plenty of free hosts and gallery scripts available nowadays, and you dont really need any previous web experience to do it.

I know I get a fair few hits from the LFS Database site, so the theory is good.
#10 - joen
Maybe it would be possible to create a repository with a fully automated upload system where visitors of the site could rate the skins (something like 1-5 stars or something)
You know, something like those "rate my thong" or "rate my whatever sites"
That way people could sort the skins by rating, and pick out the best ones they would like to use.
Don't know if that would work well, just a thought.
extremly. Jep. My thoughts you made them turning into a nice page.

We need an international skin-database
(12 posts, started )