This is the problem of ingenuity we're having in the world.... everything has to be a realistic goal.
Did they think getting to the moon was realistic? No, they thought it was preposterous.
Did they think the earth was round? No said the realistic man, the earth is a flat plane. You are an idiot.
Is the sun the center of the universe? No says the Vatican, everything revolves around the sun as GOD intended it. That is just crazy.
Will it be possible to fly around the earth in 80 days? Crazy, unimaginable, unthinkable. Now we can do it in a few hours.
I'm usually a realistic thinker myself, but only when it comes to things pertaining of severe importance, like politics, school, and stuff like that. But when it comes to innovation, invention, and added functions, it's all about imagination. How do you think games like Gear of War are created? Do you think the people who created Katamari were thinking realistically? Who would have thought that a system meant for military use would be used in the future to house subjects such as this.
My acquaintance, everything around you was once a crazy idea, only floating in the thought bubble of one or a few men and women. Personally, I find it crazy how you can take these imaginative thoughts for granted.
Like I've said before, this is just a thought, and as such, should be provoked a bit. I've learned a bit of things from what you said, which was actually my true intention. It wasn't to see if using a Linux based port of LFS could work, but rather to find out why it doesn't work, which you gave very nice points.
I've realized from the beginning that the only good and true way to get LFS would be to port it to use the intended PS3 architecture.
Though, like I've said, if you have an idea on how to get LFS to work on the PS3, it doesn't hurt to try. You might just get on to something.

I mean, look at how by chance they found penicillin.
Edit: Also, knowing most people that lurk on the forums, you probably think that I'm just giving up cause I don't have a comeback. Sorry, but it's the way I was raised. Step-father always questioned things. How could you get it to work, why doesn't it work, what would need to happen to get it to work. Something just not working for a few reasons isn't a reason at all, but rather to get the whole picture is the best way for any debate to end. Also, the information a few people will gain from this thread is not pointless, so don't throw me that garbage. This thread is a perfectly good discussion. You are not a realist my neither-friend-nor-enemy person, but instead are a pessimist in the ruse of a realist. A realist sees the glass neither half empty, nor half full. He sees the glass for what it is. It takes an innovator to see what he can do with this glass containing a certain amount of milk. You are most certainly saying that the glass is half empty. It's impossible. You can't do it. There is no possible way. A realist wouldn't be so negative. A realist sees it for what it is. There is a possibility, but what it would take to do such a thing, we just don't know. We know of one way, but it is 99.999~% unlikely, and that would be a patch from Sony to allow it, but in the foreseeable future, it won't happen because they would want to protect PS3 games, and so you don't damage your system. It might not be a feasible idea, but it is still there, thus making it a possibility. Also, the way you are using "realistic" is in essence the business term. What might be "realistic" goals for one person could be "unrealistic" for another. For example, I don't live in a Peter Pan fantasy world. I live in your world. The same world as most of us do. But how can you say something is realistic to someone else? Do we see the same colors? Hear the same sounds? Or is realism a matter of interpretation, all in how our brain collects this data and puts it together. Reality is nothing but how you perceive it yourself. For instance, if you and a spouse were to get into an argument. You could say the same thing, but barely scratch the surface of your true intents and meanings. The "reality" of the situation would be what you were both thinking, and even if you could read each others thoughts, due to how both of you analyze, perceive, and relate, there are major differences in how you would interpret each others thoughts. This would cause conflicting "realities".
So... really, your statements of me having unrealistic thoughts can actually be countered. You stating that there is no possible way that this could happen is an unrealistic thought in itself. There is that possibility. What is the likelihood of LFS being on the PS3? Depends. If someone finds a hack to the PS3, then it's probability is increased. Scawen could accept a major "donation" from Sony, and thus release LFS as an indie game on the Playstation Store. There is a possibility. Just very small, unlikely, and, in a phrase you would understand, "Not going to happen.", but even that is an unrealistic phrase. So, go ahead, call me an idiot. Call this thread useless. If this thread is useless, then I wonder what threads are more useless than this. Probably about 90% of the internet.
These are just some final thoughts cause I went on a trail of discussion in that paragraph.
1) Informative
2) Very informative, until the short answer. That wasn't informative.
3) informative
4) Very very informative, even the short answer
5) I never thought of it as a 6-core beast, though i may have worded it that way. It does have more power than most dual-cores anyway, so still, it is quite a beast. But informative nonetheless.
6) You know whats a waste of mental effort? Everything can be a waste of mental effort. It really all depends on what the person wants to talk about to begin with. But at least it's better to put forth mental effort than become brainless zombies like most pre-pubescents on XBOX Live. Also, I've seen a few indie games on the PS3, so I wouldn't imagine it impossible to get a dev-kit, though as you've said, the threading would be difficult, and in Scawens case, more than he needs at the moment.
I wasn't all excited. I was just wondering if there were work arounds and such, but it wasn't a waste either. You put great points as to why it just doesn't work, but not necessarily in a "realistic", though reasonable fashion. There was going to be nothing to tear down to begin with. If I was going to start it, I would start it expecting little to no results, but I'd still give it my best effort if I was going to try.
So, I hope you honestly read this post. I see nothing we should continue here about whether or not it's possible. If someone wants to add on and say "I have an idea" and it is a logical thought, then so be it. Why not discuss it? It sure is more meaningful to discuss something than just say random things or post random pictures. These are the types of discussions that USED to be on forums before they became playgrounds for leet-speaking, overly idiotic, insenstive 12 year olds who have nothing better to do but talk about their E-penises.
And that, good sir, ends my post.