Hi y'all, I have to say I've been playing LFS with KB/mouse for ages and this is the first time I have a real problem. I now use a Dual Shock 2 pad with a USB adapter and my problem is that I can't link the X axis (the vertical axis of the left analog stick, although it should logically be called the Y axis, but nevermind) to any action in the game, despite the fact that the axis is properly recognized in the game and seems to work fine. Another problem which seems linked is that I can't separate the clutch from the handbrake (which are both activated by the Z axis (the horizontal axis of the right stick) without resorting to a button for either the clutch or handbrake. I've tried NTpad etc but they don't even work, and drivers don 't seem to be the problem, since all axes are properly recognized in the game. That's really a shame, because I'd love to drive with direction and clutch on the left stick and acceleration + brakes / handbrake on the right stick, all analog, of course, so if someone has a tweak in the config or anything else to achieve that, I'd be grateful