The online racing simulator
What you guys think of GTR-2 and NFSU2?
What do you guys think of these games? I have both, and of course LFS, I like them all, but after playing lots of LFS it makes the others feel so fake, but I guess they have their qualities. Is LFS the most realistic racing Sim out? I can't seem to find anything better, honestly. Also, are there any other Sims as good as LFS that I don't know of, any recommendations?
Only played a little bit of GTR1, not long enough to get a feel for it, but it didn't feel right. It was like tyre slip doesn't exist, just grip or spin.

Not played any of the NFS series since Porsche Challenge.

NASCAR2003 (the one before EA took over) is supposedly the best, feels a bit better than GTR1 anyway. Of course most tracks are ovals (yawn) but the few road courses are rather more interesting.

If you want some off-road fun, Richard Burns Rally is great dirt sim, nothing like the Colin McRae arcade game series.