The online racing simulator

Poll : February's avatar - tick all that appeal

Closed since :
First game you ever played
Pit Girls
Album covers
Film villans
Photo of yourself
Photo of one of your hands
obscure outdated electronic equipment
(Respectable) Portrait of Tinyk
Self portrait
Suggestive images including fruit or vegetables.
#27 - Gunn
I like the album covers idea.
I also like space aliens.
Self portraits could be amusing too (paint, sketch, cgi etc).
Kung Fu theme.
Underwater theme.
Horse heads (still attached to the horse of course).
Photo of one of your hands (an open-handed image, you can leave out that thing you keep fiddling with).
Datsun month (tee hee).
Picture of your sister (please include contact information and last known whereabouts, for... umm, administrative purposes).
^sisters should be over 18, btw...otherwise I'm down for "Datsun month"

How about figures from popular mythology? Odysseus, Frodo, Satan, Xenu and Donald Duck all come to mind...

...alternately I may just say "screw the theme" and use pictures of Monica Bellucci
How about anything with 2 wheels?

Hey look, I've already got one!
How about pit/grid girls?
tristan, i got an hp48gx... what ya got?
Quote from Forbin :How about anything with 2 wheels?

Hey look, I've already got one!

I hoped they would vote rocket, so I could get a crotch rocket
I hate album covers, I vote for... I dunno
What is the other thread not good enough for you? You jut had to make your own?
#35 - Davo
I vote for fruit, hmm strawberries, the suggestive miages is good too
Cats ftw. But it's hard to find a good one.

#38 - Davo
Why that pic has I'll never understand.
Quote from Davo :Why that pic has I'll never understand.

Some people get from watching dead cats.

Anyway, my suggestion is an image of the first game you've ever played. For nostalgia value (or child trauma for that matter).

Mine would be Antarctica on a Commodore 64, or was it an Atari? I'm not sure, I was very young at that moment, but the fact that I still remember everything says enough.

I think I'd struggle to get screenshots of games from this system. Especially when I can't remember the name of that very scary (when I was 5) adventure game I used to play.
Quote from (SaM) :Anyway, my suggestion is an image of the first game you've ever played. For nostalgia value (or child trauma for that matter).

Mine would be Antarctica on a Commodore 64, or was it an Atari? I'm not sure, I was very young at that moment, but the fact that I still remember everything says enough. ... ica/Frame%20380%20234.gif

I remember that! There was a shop to buy stuff too. Great game
harrier attack for me on my old amstrad CPC 464
Mine would be...bloody hell, er... Starion on the 48k Spectrum.
The oldest games I played were on nintendo, but one of the earliest games I remember playing was this: NFS The first one. I think it was a demo, I could only drive one track and one car, but if it was a demo, than why the porsche 911? I also remember I could choose other cars, but once on the track it would turn into a 911. Think it wasn't an original version either.
I had the original NFS demo that had the Dodge Viper as the only car you could choose. I spent ages playing that on my dad's PC back in the day And when you drove the wrong way on the track you drove towards the camera
I can't remember first game, it was probably on the Amiga. But the first racing game/sim I remember was Indy 500.

Being young as I was, I thoroughly enjoyed crashing into walls as it burst the tyres.

also Skid Marks on the Amiga.
So we have a winner? We'll have a piss with the Album Cover people and be our own cool group with lame arcade games avatars.