I remember from when I walked by the candy section at the store when I was little. "I WANT IT AND I WANT IT NOW", and then I would start crying and screaming "I want candy". Kind of like how you are sayign I want LFSTweaK! Well, guess what, THERE IS NO LFSTWEAK FOR PATCH V. GET OVER IT!
I just get annoyed when people waste forum resorces just to say 'omg i want lfstweak'. If you arent going to make a useful post, dont make one at all. And, you do understand that you wont be able to use LFStweak if it comes out.
Me neither.. Not worth the work now when it just got confirmed that it will be released within 5 hours..
And oh.. Redrum, big thanks to you. Even if I would have the knowledge of doing something like this, I would not have the patience to do it. Praise the lord!
Ok...now, till the Tweak is out - I recomend we lower the lightning, turn on some nice relaxing music and get the disco-ball out...
When none have replied for a long time and this topic is months old DONT RESURUCT IT. Bumping old topics that are from february won't get anything except for a recent topic shoved onto page 2.