The online racing simulator
AI Sharing
(19 posts, started )
AI Sharing
yet, another sharing thread
of course LFS is meant to be played online but sometimes u just cant (like me i was offline for 3 weeks) and then some decent AI could improve ur driving experience.

when sharing ur AI also give us the following informations:

*Average Times of the AI
*Does the AI have problems in any Part of the Track? i.e Crashing, spinning out at certain Corners.

ur AI .knw files are stored in X:\Live For Speed\data\knw
if possible please post the .knw files of all 12 AI packed as .zip or .rar.
i will try to have this post all time up to date that u dont need to search through all sites to find the AI what ur looking for

i will start out with my best AI.

*KY1 (Oval)
*no real problems only crashs sometimes while overtaking.
Attached files
FOX Oval.rar - 53.7 KB - 285 views
nobody got some decent ai?
Unfortunately, decent AI and LFS don't go together. Yet....

I have had some fun races in the TBO cars on SO recently though, the I skunk the computer, while the AI provides some comic releif
i got board 1 night and put 100 laps in black wood and went to sleep
Hello [RCG]Boosted!

Yesterday, my AI drivers ran on AS2 with XRG and won the race.

*tips : I trained the AI in QUICK and not in PRO mod because of drifting in it.
The name of my champion is (2F2F)K2000 A
Attached files - 8.7 KB - 234 views
*no real problems

If you would use this files, I'll rename it before.
Attached files - 140.5 KB - 224 views
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :nobody got some decent ai?

The damn AI's are wreckers, and crash all the time. The best they can do is complete 5 laps tops. After that they just stuck in some sand trap or throttle against a wall illepall

The Oval track might be an exception, but in all other tracks they are a disaster
* Nothing
Attached files - 125 KB - 224 views
Quote from KMSpeed :The damn AI's are wreckers, and crash all the time. The best they can do is complete 5 laps tops. After that they just stuck in some sand trap or throttle against a wall illepall

The Oval track might be an exception, but in all other tracks they are a disaster

always depends on the combo.
of course combos like SO1/2/3 and BF1 just dont fit.
but as we have tons of combos im sure there are a lot that can be driven without bigger problems
I guess you are right.
I don't like "absolute" opinions, but sometimes if you are not carefull (aka don't think before you say or write something) they just pop up.
Quote from KMSpeed :The damn AI's are wreckers, and crash all the time. The best they can do is complete 5 laps tops. After that they just stuck in some sand trap or throttle against a wall illepall
The Oval track might be an exception, but in all other tracks they are a disaster

You must have a *unique* version of LFS then as this is not my experience at all. On certain tracks when certain cars are learning, then occasionally one or tweo will hit eachother or clip a wall, and go crazy spinning trying to get back onto the road, but 95% of the time, my ai cars run on every track combination without disaster, 20 - 30 laps easily. Always the odd knock or two but not crashing all the time as you say. My ai have not been intensively trained either.
I've been running several races on SO Long lately with the AI, and every single lap they hit the wall at the exit in the last right-hander before the highway section. Every single lap, every single car. (Unless they get knocked offline by another car... )

Still fun, though.
This is new to me, how do I train the AI? I'd like to make some!
A while back I started recording how their best laps improved as they ran consecutive 10 lap races. This was when my wife really started to think I was an LFS addict. I noted a rapid 5 or 6 second improvement in the first race then it quickly levelled off after about 40 laps. Anyone see any further improvements after 50 or 100 or do they just peak?
right now on blk my a1 are on 10 laps the time decreased by 9 seconds so far and 40 more 2 go
Quote from al heeley :A while back I started recording how their best laps improved as they ran consecutive 10 lap races. This was when my wife really started to think I was an LFS addict. I noted a rapid 5 or 6 second improvement in the first race then it quickly levelled off after about 40 laps. Anyone see any further improvements after 50 or 100 or do they just peak?

no didnt see faster imporvements after a while.
also after a while the AI gets that fast that they drive into rough and spin out (or similar) what kinda sucks too.
What the hell...

How do we change .knw files???
You don't, really. The game does. Everytime the AI is on the track, they "learn," and this "learning" is reflected in the .knw files.

Assuming the new AI uses the same(ish?) system as before.
Oh I see what you mean now

AI Sharing
(19 posts, started )