yet, another sharing thread 
of course LFS is meant to be played online but sometimes u just cant (like me i was offline for 3 weeks) and then some decent AI could improve ur driving experience.
when sharing ur AI also give us the following informations:
*Average Times of the AI
*Does the AI have problems in any Part of the Track? i.e Crashing, spinning out at certain Corners.
ur AI .knw files are stored in X:\Live For Speed\data\knw
if possible please post the .knw files of all 12 AI packed as .zip or .rar.
i will try to have this post all time up to date that u dont need to search through all sites to find the AI what ur looking for
i will start out with my best AI.
*KY1 (Oval)
*no real problems only crashs sometimes while overtaking.

of course LFS is meant to be played online but sometimes u just cant (like me i was offline for 3 weeks) and then some decent AI could improve ur driving experience.
when sharing ur AI also give us the following informations:
*Average Times of the AI
*Does the AI have problems in any Part of the Track? i.e Crashing, spinning out at certain Corners.
ur AI .knw files are stored in X:\Live For Speed\data\knw
if possible please post the .knw files of all 12 AI packed as .zip or .rar.
i will try to have this post all time up to date that u dont need to search through all sites to find the AI what ur looking for

i will start out with my best AI.
*KY1 (Oval)
*no real problems only crashs sometimes while overtaking.