The online racing simulator
server help!!!
(7 posts, started )
server help!!!
ok i finially figured out the didicated server and i gotit up and running went 2 my friends house to make shur it worked by internet and it just says connecting and thn nothing happens
#2 - amp88
Have you properly configured the router and firewall on your PC?
ummmmmm no so how can i do that i kno allot about computers exept for what u just said
#4 - amp88
ok i did everything but the router i dont kno the pw
Given the fact that there are now honestly shedloads of threads and people offering help on this subject, not to mention several wiki articles and forum threads which go into reasonable detail, and you're still UNABLE to find these, then I'm honestly tempted to suggest not running a server.

We could tell you to reset it and then reconfigure it from scratch, or attempt to guess the password.

Quite frankly though either of those options could land you in deep shit if you're not the "owner" or "administrator" for your kit - and if you were, you'd have no problem getting into it.

Perhaps you could use your brain and ask the person who set it up originally to configure it for you.

To hammer this point home, running a public, internet, server REQUIRES you to change settings on any router, firewall, or gateway device on the edge of your network. If you cannot control these, or have no access to them then just pick one of the hundreds of empty servers to play in.
i have the pw written down some where i just need to find it and yes i amthe aministraiter on my comp i just turned the firewall off cuz my norton has 1 allready and it wont let me turn on the comps 1

server help!!!
(7 posts, started )