The online racing simulator
Paul Tracy Skin
(16 posts, started )
Paul Tracy Skin
I know alot of people have been askin for paul tracy skin but i cant find it so if any1 knows were to get one tell or make me one plz
for what car?
Careful how you answer!............
#4 - joen
drum roll please...

He made another thread asking for a Marvin the Martian skin for FOX...Shrug
#7 - joen
But you can't drive the fox in the demo?...
he said hes getting it for his b-day read it Nod
Happy birthday! When is it? We'll have a whip-round for a cake or something.
#10 - joen
Ya he posted that after my reply. Although he doesn't seem sure about the date.
thats cuz i have to posts to reply to and im a slow typer sry
make the skin, but dont give it to him untill he gets s2 Smile
When is the next leap year? Wink
next year
so that would make you fourTilt
only kidding, you're a good sport!
lolBig grin

Paul Tracy Skin
(16 posts, started )