Just looks like the Boston cops mis-read their Department Of Fatherland Security Defenders Of Freedom Handbook. It actually says "take no chances with IEDs" not "act like nancies when you see LEDs".
Kev, that shift to the right seems to be happening in a few other places. The Democrats in the US seem to be moving to the right quite noticeably (especially "Democrat" Senator Liebermann - his utterly unquestioning support for the War On Everything makes him almost indistinguishable from a neo-con Republican) - seems the D's don't want to be seen as "soft on security", which has always been the Republicans' trump card. "Let us do what we want or the evildoers will get you! Ooh booga booga! Vote Republican or terrorists will eat your children!" Most of their criticism of the war(s) seem to concentrate not on the fact that it was all illegal, based on falsified everything, a perfect method of increasing terrorism worldwide and utterly unnecessary to boot (which should be obvious to all, especially now the US body count has surpassed that of 9/11), but rather that the Republicans have done a lousy job of managing it. It's not "you shouldn't have done this at all," it's "you suck at it and we would have done things differently". It's also happening down here in Oz but, thankfully, not to so large an extent. The Labour opposition down here are quite happy to stick the boot in to PM Howard and his laughable kissing up to sherriff Shrub.
This whole LED overreaction to a few guerilla billboards is symptomatic of the climate of fear that exists in the US (and elsewhere) right now. AFAIK the "threat level" in the US hasn't dipped below amber since 9/11, despite there being no attack or attempted attack since that date. Down here we're always being told to watch out - a couple of years ago the government released a "dob in a terrorist" pack which they sent to every home in the country. Had a fridge magnet and a brochure on how to spot a suspicious person doing suspicious things. There was a hotline number and TV campaign and all that. Most people here found it quite laughable actually

Often on the news programs we're treated to footage of badass anti-terror squads in black uniforms swinging down from black helicopters or cruising our harbours in big black speedboats - just a neat little reminder that there is, in fact, something to be afraid of and you should keep that in mind for the next election. Like a SWAT team will be any use after the friggin suitcase bomb has exploded! As if terrorists are likely to cruise in with their terrorist navy or invade us with their terrorist air force! But every so often your government will poke you with a stick, just to keep you on "amber" and remind you that only they can protect you from the evil-doers. Was the government's fear factor ever this ridiculous in the UK during the height of IRA activity, when people were in real danger of being caught up in a real bombing?