I would honestly like to see some actual drag cars and settings for drag racing, i mean, lets get some prostock cars, you know? Only allow them on Drag tracks so you dont have idiots trying to circuit race a car with big ass slicks on the back lol. i think it would greatly improve the drag experience, i also believe they should bring in some can-am cars, i believe they should widen the classes a bit, i mean make a specific car for each class, formula 1 indy is taken care of, but for drag, as i said pro-stock. i also think they should bring some stock cars in, and for rally maybe a Subaru or something, and circuit racing is done, i think these new cars would greatly widen the different types of cars and racing types. we also need to get more settings, i should say, more advanced settings, cam timing, more advanced fuel settings, for instance, maybe for drag cars you can choose to run alcohol or a higher octane fuel. i also think that they should allow us to maybe set boost, or choose a supercharger over turbo, a supercharger can be more consistent in drag racing, due to the constant boost, i think it would once again, greatly improve the drag racing aspect of the game i mean really.......dont get me wrong i like the road course cars but....theres nothin like a big block, with huge slicks and that great sound at 7000 rpm.