+1. I'd also like the ability to set the zoom settings on the cameras so that they will carry out a scripted zoom pattern.
(So you can do something like having the camera start zoomed out when the car just gets into the frame, quickly zoom in on it, then slowly zoom out as it gets closer) all done automatically, via an easily programmable script. The less keys we need to remember to press to get lots of neat-o angles n things, the better.
I'd also like for the cameras to be easily placed outside of the current boundaries. (for instance, on the other side of the retaining walls, which is not possible in most areas right now).
While I'm at it, I'd also like automatic movable cameras. One type which is mounted on a crane that overhangs the wall so it can move up and down, and side to side (common in NASCAR televised events, as well as many others) and another 'tracked' type which is commonly seen on the pit wall for F1 telecasts. The camera sits on a track, mounted on a wall or fence, and it speeds up to match the pace of a passing car until it reaches the end of the track it is on.