The online racing simulator
Anyone know what this font is called?
(16 posts, started )
Anyone know what this font is called?
Not 100% sure, but that font is so common these days, it is Bank Gothic. Usually comes with some Corel software iirc.
Attached images

/me starts googling to find it somewhere, I don't have it in the GIMP or anywhere on my PC. If anyone has it, drop me a PM

*gives Tweaker a sammich (a dyslexic sandwich I assume)
#4 - (SaM)
Sammich is a legal word.. at least Geordies say it.
Quote from (SaM) :Sammich is a legal word.. at least Geordies say it.

If only Geordies say it, it is automatically NOT a legal word.
geordies don't say sammich, we say: Im gannin for a sarny like who
Quote from DejaVu :geordies don't say sammich, we say: Im gannin for a sarny like who

OK then

Q1 - WTF is the font called (DONE)?
Q2 - Who has it (not done)?
Q3 - Who uses sammich (not done)?

The first 3 questions in this thread - let's see if we can get satisfactory answers :P
#8 - mr_x
Quote from DejaVu :geordies don't say sammich, we say: Im gannin for a sarny like who

without the 'who' on the end... because that's what geordie chavs say...
Quote from mr_x :without the 'who' on the end... because that's what geordie chavs say...

Geordies - ok
Chavs - problem.
Geordie chavs -
#10 - mr_x
Quote from duke_toaster :Chavs - problem.
Geordie chavs -

oh, but they are great to laugh at... thinking farmers flat caps, burberry, trousers tucked into their socks, having kids when they are 12 years old and smoking anything that they can find is cool... every time i drive past one I think "what a complete and utter idiot" but with the language a tad stronger
Quote from mr_x :oh, but they are great to laugh at... thinking farmers flat caps, burberry, trousers tucked into their socks, having kids when they are 12 years old and smoking anything that they can find is cool... every time i drive past one I think "what a complete and utter idiot" but with the language a tad stronger

I've always thought that we could round up chavs, shoot them in the head and harvest their organs.

Thanks for the font
mr_x - yeah, there's soon interesting people to be seen if you walk past clubs as they're about to open when doing there Under 18s nights.
I recall one version of Eurostile looking similar, but techno fonts all look like ass anyway.

Anyone know what this font is called?
(16 posts, started )