How can i host a Server with the Tweaker?
Servus! (so we call it in germany ^^)
I want to host a Server to use the tweaker, but i want that a friend of me can join with his own tweaks to it too. Example: He built a 3.0 V6 and i use 2.0 Turbo and then we tweak around how anybody of us like.
(im sorry, my english is terrible^^)

Gretz Robbie
I think its only possible if you both use the same tweak, so whatever tweak you run your friend must also run
there are realy no allow different settings?
You need to use a non-dedicated server, and you have to have the same tweaks on both your client running the server and the clients connecting. If you both want to use a tweaked XRT, they need to be the same tweak. All the tweaks must be identical.