The online racing simulator
kirmy stuck on STCC 2 Public Silver & Gold
Hey ladies!
kirmy is "stuck" on STCC 2 Public Silver & Gold for some reason he is online there the whole time even that he isnt even on LFS...he cant connect to LFS anymore as it says his username is already online...trying to connect that server says a player is already disconnectin!

this bug happened quite often in the last couple of days (e.g. in the Masters of Endurance). Would an admin please be so smart and restart the server so he gets off there (even hes not realy on there )?

otherwise he cant get on LFS anymore :-/

that may happened that he lagged out of the server the moment somebody tried to connect...coz thats what happened in the MoE and other servers already!

#2 - SamH
I've closed the Public Silver & Gold server for the time being. Kirmy should be able to access any other servers now
thank you very much mr. samh =)