The online racing simulator
LFS Replay Analyser 1.1
(226 posts, started )
#126 - xtm
A fantastic tool, great intuitive interface, clear graphs and love the pedals indicators )

One thing I would like to see implemented though is a Cursor Mode, similar to F1perfview. At the moment you have to move your mouse to the precise point on the graph to get it's coordinates, whereas in f1perfview you only need to move it along the x-axis and it automatically tracks the values for you. See screenshot for details

Another option that could be added is to show min/max values on the graph.

Anyways, a great, great tool, now I have an idea how to shave a second of my lap.
Hope all that didn't sound like a whine

Quote from xtm :One thing I would like to see implemented though is a Cursor Mode, similar to F1perfview. At the moment you have to move your mouse to the precise point on the graph to get it's coordinates, whereas in f1perfview you only need to move it along the x-axis and it automatically tracks the values for you.

I'm not sure what you mean here. When I look at the cursor mode in F1PerfView, I see several differences with LRA:
  • The cursor position does not change when the mouse moves: you need to click or drag the mouse to move it.
  • Dragging the mouse moves the cursor. (In LRA, dragging is for zooming in.)
  • You see the X and Y values at the cursor. (Note: LRA also has these values, but in a different way. The Y value is in the Legend pane, the X value is in the track map pane. There is also the "Tooltips" option.)
Which of these would you like for LRA?
#128 - xtm
Quote from wsinda :I'm not sure what you mean here. When I look at the cursor mode in F1PerfView, I see several differences with LRA:
  • You see the X and Y values at the cursor. (Note: LRA also has these values, but in a different way. The Y value is in the Legend pane, the X value is in the track map pane. There is also the "Tooltips" option.)
Which of these would you like for LRA?

That's what I was looking for, sorry for the confusion. Still maybe something like this in cursor mode? The tooltip box will still hover under the mouse pointer. Hope I'm not too annoying
Quote from xtm :That's what I was looking for, sorry for the confusion. Still maybe something like this in cursor mode? The tooltip box will still hover under the mouse pointer.

Sorry, but no.

I agree that it would be a nicer, more readable display than what LRA has now. But this will be quite hard to make, for technical reasons. It can not be a classical tooltip, because it's not text-only. Therefore it must be a normal window that follows the mouse pointer. That would mean a lot of redrawing as the mouse moves, and that will make LRA sluggish and unresponsive.
Can you see the top speed you did with this tool? I'm currently testing my gearing and would like to know the exact and mazimum speed I reach in a replay. Thanks!
Quote from Riders Motion :Can you see the top speed you did with this tool? I'm currently testing my gearing and would like to know the exact and mazimum speed I reach in a replay.

No, there is no readout of the maximum values. But I don't see how this can be useful -- what counts is the laptime, and how much time you win or lose on a certain stretch of track. Anyway, if you want to know the max speed for a certain gearing, then I think VHPA (Bob Smith's setup analyser) can be of help.
Version 0.8 is ready.

New features:
  • Editable track sectors. Sectors are saved for each track.
  • Multiple languages possible. (Current distribution includes English and Dutch translations.) This also opens the possibility to change the hotkey combinations for the menu items.
  • Hotkey F2 to hide/show all panes.
  • Export lap data to CSV file (from context menu of legend).
  • Export graph data to CSV file (from context menu of graphs).
  • Tooltips on rulers were not switched by menu option.
Attached files - 1.1 MB - 2811 views
can you make a version to see the full set of the driver? like tyre pressures and that stuff?... just asking not requesting..

BTW thanks for .8
Quote from chanoman315 :can you make a version to see the full set of the driver? like tyre pressures and that stuff?... just asking not requesting..

BTW thanks for .8

I don't honestly think that would be a good idea; some people like to keep their set-ups secret, and this would be a nasty way of spying.

For example; can you imagine McLaren asking Ferrari what set-up THEY were using?.

..(oops, they did!!!!!)
Quote from chanoman315 :can you make a version to see the full set of the driver? like tyre pressures and that stuff?

No, this is not possible. LRA shows all setup data that is present in the file format. The rest of the setup data (caster, diff lock, tyre pressure, etc.) is not written to the RAF file by LFS.
Why not analyze Hand Brake? It will be good. I use HB on axis.
Attached files
aIM BLR_BL1_XFG_13395.spr - 159.5 KB - 644 views
Quote from aIM BLR :Why not analyze Hand Brake? It will be good. I use HB on axis.

OK, that's easy to add. (I never knew that people were using the handbrake, except maybe in rallycross.)
Very helpfull addon!Thanks!
I noticed in the screenshots in the second post that you can see the track outline in grey in the driving line pane. I've got the pth files in the LRA/smx folder but I've never seen these track outlines and I'd really like to get them working. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Edit: Actually it does work on the machine I have LFS installed on, so please ignore!
Very very actual program with battle "cheat problem".
One question. How can i synchronize both plot on axis X (time) in this case and similar?
Attached images
Quote from aIM BLR :How can i synchronize both plot on axis X (time) in this case and similar?

The lines in an XY plot can have a cursor (a small dot). You can set the cursor by clicking on, or near, the line in the XY plot. You can also set the cursor by clicking in a normal graph, in the track map or in the driving-line display.

However, the cursor position is always distance-based: it marks the spot that corresponds with a certain point on the track. I think you are looking for a time-based synchronization, i.e. you want to mark the spot on each line that corresponds with a time X in each lap. Unfortunately, LRA can not do this.
Version 0.9
Version 0.9 is ready.

New features:
  • Replay of laps.
  • New data types: Handbrake, Elevation.
  • Crashed when loading an incomplete lap.
  • Now correctly loads RAF files from LFSW Hotlap Analyser.
  • Now reads the ratio of the 7th gear from the RAF file.
Attached files - 1.1 MB - 4829 views
Thanks wsinda!
This is most useful program for LFS.
Quote from wsinda :Version 0.9 is ready.

New features:
  • Replay of laps.

Is there any way to make the graph fields "blank" as the replay is about to start, and then as the vertical line moves to the right it "draws" a graph as it goes?
Quote from scipy :
Is there any way to make the graph fields "blank" as the replay is about to start, and then as the vertical line moves to the right it "draws" a graph as it goes?

No, not currently. Does this have an advantage over the way it works now?
Well the way in which it works now has no advantage over the previous version which had no "play" feature. IMO, if you can see the lines being drawn as the replay is played it will "accentuate" the differences more than if you just look at the 2 lines that are already there.
Good as always!
Even if there is the official one keep mantaining this because it allow us to use 100hz raf files
Could this tool be used for analysing an MPR? Does it output the data: RPM &/or engine damage?
Quote from anttt69 :Could this tool be used for analysing an MPR?

No, it's not possible for LFS to generate RAF files from multiplayer replays. This was also discussed earlier in the thread:
Quote from wsinda :LFS cannot generate an RAF file from an MPR replay.

An MPR file contains samples of a car's data at a low frequency. (Four times per second, I think.) All the smoothness that you see when viewing the replay is because LFS "guesses" the intermediate states. Theoretically you could write these states to an RAF file, but the data will be full of artifacts (= weird). It won't be very useful for analysis.

Quote from anttt69 : Does it output the data: RPM &/or engine damage?

RPM data are available (for .spr replays at least). Engine damage or is not written to the RAF file, so you can't view it in LRA. The same holds for any other kind of wear or damage (tyre temperatures, clutch, etc.).
.csv files
Hi, great job. I've only been using this for a couple of days but it seems really neat. Anyway, I read about a guy using Bosch LAPSIM with lfs and thought I'd give it a try, he used f1perview to generate the .csv file but it seems that you can only generate single channel csv's from Replay analyser... is it so? If it is it might be a good option to get on the new version which channels you want to export to the .csv

Keep it up!

LFS Replay Analyser 1.1
(226 posts, started )