LFS Data Logger v0.0.1
(8 posts, started )
#1 - rxero
LFS Data Logger v0.0.1

I made a basic LFS data logger that I have attached. It uses outsim. It can detect the start of a new race. All you have to do is unzip and run it. If it doesnt work you will need to download the VB6 runtime somewhere. Google should turn this up in a few seconds. It saves the data to a tab delimited file in \Logs\ with a filename that is automatically created. I also made a basic RAF version as well as the RAF files provides more info (though this does not include the RAF converter). 1 known bug is the accelerometer data is incorrect and needs to change with the heading. Anyhow have fun trying it out. Anyone want the source to this? It runs perfectly at 100Hz without disturbing game play. Just hit start and go do races. Each race will have its own file.
Attached files
0.0.1.zip - 1.1 MB - 461 views
So, before I try this, Data Logger does pretty much the same as pressing "output lap data" during a replay, except all we have to do is race?
#3 - rxero

the RAF files are in binary format. These are in plain text and tab delimited so that you can open them up in a variety of programs. Excel, OOo Calc, etc.

Edit : Also the RAF is only for a single lap and can only be done during a replay I believe.
I've always used F1PerfView to convert RAF files to csv anyway. Still, I need to do some data analysis in a couple of days, I'll try using this and see how I do.
#5 - rxero
I should mention that replay mode doesn't seem to work. I will post my RAF destructor if I have some time this week. (I am in the process of buying a house hehe)
#6 - aenes
Hello guys,

I am searching some input datas for my project. I need a simply program that record outsim datas. I have just found this thread .

I need your helps

Quote from Bob Smith :OMG that's so confusing. However the very first equation that Scawen says works perfectly for me, so I can ignore all the gibberish and it's done, hurrah!

See attached. Cool

"VBOutSim_exe.zip " it shows all datas very well but it doesn't record them.

Quote from Fonnybone :Here's a my part so far. You guys wanna check if it works for you too ?

Works on 0.5Q also. This is one thing i looove about In/OutSim. It's not
patch dependant much. My main concern is about the config, if you look
around a bit in my version, you'll find a config window where i tried 2 ways
of getting the info, one searches the folder it's in for the LFS config.txt
file and the other uses RAM (beware, it's for 0.5P, it wont work for 0.5Q).
Both ways worked for me, but having OutSim activated in the config.txt
is essential for LFS to even send OutSim info, therefore i think it would be
best to keep the "search cfg" code and request that this app be kept in
the LFS folder. That way it can check if OutSim IS activated and warn the
user in the event it's not. Also, i didn't find the delay in the RAM and don't
really want to be messing there anyways since it would be dependant
on the patch version.

I had (still have) fun trying to understand wtf happenned to the values,
but for now, only position is still giving me problems. I'll start on the
plotting/graph tabs and make it draw it's position at regular intervals.
If it ends up drawing the track layout, then we should be all set Wink
I'm not posting the VBcode 'cause i added lots of my own modules in it
and don't really want that part to be public...Schwitz

This should be the base of GteK i suppose, it's a VB version of Gmeter
basically. I always liked the concept of Gmeter (it was my idea after all)
and i'd like to make a VB version. I just need to learn how to make plugins
now so people can make their own plugins if they want.

Oh, btw, be sure to click the Telemetry button to see the values. Other
buttons don't do anything yet.

"VBOS_GteK_001.zip" I saw on gui panel that has a record button. But program doesn't work.

Quote from Fonnybone :Thanks RayOk, but it's ok, i already had it covered 5 minutes after my post.
The graphs show a perfect image of the track Smile Smile Smile It's purrrrrrfect Wink

As for the 'OnEvent', what i did was declare the outsim type in a module
so when that copymemory code does it's job, it copies to a 'registry'
available to any form. I've already did it and it works fine Smile

Here's another sample with the graph in it, again, thanks a whole lot for the help guys. Cool

PS: Speed and Distance tests arent done yet, but the forms are there...
The graph is in 'Plot data'.

"VBOS_GteK_002.zip" It's the new version of "VBOS_GteK_001.zip" program. It works but there is no record option.

Quote from rxero :Hey,

I made a basic LFS data logger that I have attached. It uses outsim. It can detect the start of a new race. All you have to do is unzip and run it. If it doesnt work you will need to download the VB6 runtime somewhere. Google should turn this up in a few seconds. It saves the data to a tab delimited file in \Logs\ with a filename that is automatically created. I also made a basic RAF version as well as the RAF files provides more info (though this does not include the RAF converter). 1 known bug is the accelerometer data is incorrect and needs to change with the heading. Anyhow have fun trying it out. Anyone want the source to this? It runs perfectly at 100Hz without disturbing game play. Just hit start and go do races. Each race will have its own file.

"LFSlogger.exe" I have found it also. There is a sample of logger text file. Unfortunately, when I start logger , program doesn't creat any text file.
Not sure if that is what you are looking for, but I made a logger-thing once:

It records cars position, speed and some other stuff. But it is not outsim, so it does not run at 100 Hz physics frequency. Instead it uses MCI packetes a few times per seconde. On other hand it can record multiple cars at once.
#8 - aenes
Thank you for reply.

I know that logger. It's a great work but I need logger for outsim cause of accelaration datas.

LFS Data Logger v0.0.1
(8 posts, started )