Quote from imthebestracerthereis :Look what I found out! Interesting! its because your using a good browser rather than that IE crap
noes teh Cat! PS - downloaded the Zune theme for XP, have we? Norton + Wireless + Aohell + Lamewire + IE = Teh lose
Norton, AOL & Wireless im guessing? n00b ATM i've got AVG, Speedfan (like to know my CPU temp), SetPoint (for my mouse), Messenger, XMPlay (plays music) & TS
i have the latest version on FF and it doesn't have that... is there some way i might have disabled it??
right hand click on the "New Reply" box when your typing, click "Spell Check This Field" and make sure its TICKED
Quote from nikimere :i have the latest version on FF and it doesn't have that... is there some way i might have disabled it?? You must first train it for six months (or 3000 posts) by using driftz0r-13375p33k before it activates. EDIT: Jakq stop spreading misinformation!
Quote from spankmeyer :It looks like a q on my screen. haha firefox rules say you, IE7 looks like a g Attached images
Before forum update spell checker did not work, some changes in forum software now allow it to work normally. You surely have noticed how my posts have been much more understandable after forum update?