The online racing simulator
Multiple Safety Car Request
(7 posts, started )
Multiple Safety Car Request
I need an experienced skinner to make me a total of 8 safety cars.

It sounds like a lot, but you have plenty of time(as in months) to get them done.

MSN me for the complete info.
bumpy bump
It's for IGTC.

A different skin for every race.

Car is FZ5, and if you msn me, ill give you everything that needs to be on it.
I need some logos too.

If someone can make me those I would be happy
Here's the web site for the IGTC, it's got the info on the series.

Blackwood GP Circuit
South City Long
Kyoto GP National
Westhill GP Circuit
Fern Bay Gold
Aston National
Kyoto Oval
Aston North

Multiple Safety Car Request
(7 posts, started )