The online racing simulator
Drivers License!
(8 posts, started )
#1 - Phill
Drivers License!
Im going out on the roads today for my first lesson! No more classroom talk! Step aside old ladies and alike!

I've been driving cars for quite some time, so nothing new really! It'll just be interesting to see how i deal with high density of cars, since i've only been driving around my neighborhood.

Wish me luck damn it!
Just don't try to show off the awesome tricks you learned in LFS. Might not leave a too good impression on that poor driving instructor

Nah, seriously, it's good if you already have the car under your control. Leaves you with much more time to pay attention to what's going on around you, which is at least as important as the technical aspect of driving itself.
#3 - Phill
I'l take him through an interstate change like Blackwood Turn 1!
how did the lesson go ?
#5 - Phill
perfectly fine.... the first parallel parking i did was a complete mess (no damage) but the next 20 i made was perfect! I was out driving for 3 hours in total. He was very impressed with my driving skills, and at first he thought i was re-aqcuiring my license!

My left leg is sore!
Quote from Phill :perfectly fine.... the first parallel parking i did was a complete mess (no damage) but the next 20 i made was perfect! I was out driving for 3 hours in total. He was very impressed with my driving skills, and at first he thought i was re-aqcuiring my license!

My left leg is sore!

well done mate
Quote from Phill :He was very impressed with my driving skills, and at first he thought i was re-aqcuiring my license!

LFS Ftw !
i think phill was practicing in BL carpark !

Drivers License!
(8 posts, started )