The online racing simulator
InSim perl module
(2 posts, started )
InSim perl module
While working on an LFS addon, I wrote a small perl module to deal with InSim. It's not completely finished, and likely buggy, but some here may find it useful. I've only tried it on a Linux system, and am not sure how it will work on Windows. sets up an InSim connection, listens for packets and calls various action subs with a decoded packet as a hash. It also deals with keep-alives, both sending them and responding to packets that have a VerifyId field. Additionally, since there are so many ways to identify a racer, it keeps lookup tables to convert between UName, ConnNum and UniqueId, and it tries to add a proper UName to all decoded packets.

You can get, along with some documentation at This is always the latest version, and may change unexpectedly.

#2 - Tube
that'll be helpful once I find some time to get into Insim again, thank you

why not put it on CPAN?

InSim perl module
(2 posts, started )