isolation per day is key.
for me, monday is my chest and triceps day
tuesday is legs
wednesday is shoulders and biceps
thursday is back and core
friday-sunday you need to rest. your body needs some time to recover.
what i do is called a 'drop set'.
light weight for 15-20 reps, rest a minute. heavy 6-8 reps, rest a minute; heavy 6-8 reps, rest a minute. finish up again light, 15-20 reps.
if you have access, try to switch up the workouts once a month. like september for chest, i did bench, incline bench, decline bench with the well...bench.
for october, i might use cables, or dumbels. they work your muscles differently. instead of bench, i will be doing fly's.
as for after your workout, you need protein. your body needs to repair the muscle you just ripped, thus making you stronger. on a training day, you should get 10g of protein more then your body weight. i weigh 160 lbs, i should be getting 170g of protein. very difficult, and i dont nearly reach this, but as long as you get some protein, hopefully within a half hour you are set.
on a non-training day, friday-sunday for me, you should be getting 30g of extra protein then you usually get.
if you have had a few straight weeks of straight working out, sticking to your schedule, then you should take a week break. you will come back stronger. do not go crazy on the protein on the week break, but a few shakes wont hurt.
my shake: (in a blender)
a bit of milk (i fill it to the first line on my blender...use judgement)
a scoop and a half of vanilla whey protein powder (vanilla is easy to make taste good, thats about 25-30g in the scoop and a half)
2 large table-spoon full's of peanut butter
one-1.5 frozen banana's. it comes out thick and creamy, and delicious.
my friend said he had one with brocoli, but idk how that would blend..