The online racing simulator
Yay! (again)
(16 posts, started )
Yay! (again)
thanks TH84 for s2 you guys better prepare for me MWAHAHAAHA!Big grin Razz
*runs away*
All I would like to say is that I hope you will reciprocate these generous gestures by helping someone else out when you are able to do that.

And, congratulations. sob.
dont be mean Big grin Nod
why did someone buy u a S2 voucher? what have you done to give back to the LFS community? the rest of us have paid the money.
i dont know besides uhhhh being nice ask TH84 and TAA theyll tell you Schwitz wait didnt i race you like 15min ago?Big grin Nod
#8 - th84
Quote from Zachary Zoomy :why did someone buy u a S2 voucher? what have you done to give back to the LFS community? the rest of us have paid the money.

Why does it matter to you?

He's not the first person to have a voucher bought for them, get over it.
congrats on the licence Funnybone2. and Th84.. i think u have too much money lol.

Hope i can race you at some point.. if i ever get any "real" time.

@Zachary Zoomy.

Thats a bit harse... does it matter wether he bought it or somebody else bought it for him? .. maybe he has done something that specifically helped TH84... who knows.
#10 - th84
Quote from franky500 : and Th84.. i think u have too much money lol.

If that was true... I could pay you on time. Uhmm Razz

TBH, neither one of us owe ANYONE here an explanation as to why he got a voucher, the only thing that matter's is there is another s2 licensed racer among us. If people dont like it, they should really keep it to themselves.
i'm sorry about the harshness. i just wanted to know why he got a voucher and how other demo users don't have one (not that all demo users should get a voucher)
great news, nice to see another s2 racer amoungst us. It is also nice to see people being so generous.
Welcome Funnybone! Being a young pup, you'll be near the front of the pack in no time!

Thumbs up Thumbs up to the philanthropists!
how long have i been driving in lfs? ever since it started i even registered
but i couldnt remember the password to my email account i was 8yrs old
ive met a lot of racers though.Schwitz LONG POST (for me Big grin )
Congrats, welcome to the S2 world. Nice to see that even though we are oh so suspicous of demo racers, we can still manage to do some good towards them.

Now get out there and race yourself to death!
i raced you rappa z Big grin Nod we were driftin

Yay! (again)
(16 posts, started )