Meh doesn't sound extreme at all that pretty much describes how consumerism and socialism drives every area of our lives which generally means that we get to buy a lot of second rate crap and put up with an ever increasing amount of bureaucratic crap
We as a society have advanced so far in some areas but have regressed a hell of a lot in other areas Can't have it all I guess
Either way; even with that advance, you're running super lean at best under those conditions. No one in their right mind would add fuel and advance to aid in engine braking unless you fancy a meltdown.
Advance is increased for fuel economy, that is not very far from stock map actually, fueling again is what it is, never got around to tune engine braking areas too much as it is typically fuel cut off or wot that car did see with that setup
Not at all sir, just typical finn, granted finns are mad when it comes to cars
Now I'm running with carb and I do hate that so much
Engine braking is also lot weaker, maybe 25% or so, haven't measured so could be quite lot off this estimate. Ignition is that stock map actually whole ignition is back to stock as our laws say it is illegal to put more environmental friendly system to car this new, same car but 2 years older and it would be ok, silly (You actually could do it but it costs few times what whole car so not much point).