Oh talking of that... best use this thread instead of making another one before some very sad little forum trolls say I'm attention seeking too much!
With a proverbial budget of £2000, I'm looking for a bike....
I would be
commuting on it but
I love twisties and I'm left with no chicken strips after most runs. Sorry to be a snob but I'd REALLY like something with
fuel injection (as I can't be bothered with carb icing and chokes, reserve taps etc). Something
over 500cc but
under 1000cc, as that would be a stretch on insurance.
Obvious candidates are the SV650s (which is also a very nice £503 insurance for me!) which I've previously mentioned, however finding a good one on a budget such as this is quite hard. I was looking at an 03/04 Hornet till I realised they had those blasted fuel taps!
Whatever I'd end up with needs to be
credible enough so I won't get laughed at down at the pub..
I'm not a snob but I
wouldn't have a CB500 or some other commuter (read DAS test bike) because most of the ones I've seen are in horrible condition, and 90% of them doing well over 30,000miles which is just too much.. I've already had a big fall out with my old man about this whole thing and I'd really rather not have you guys go "OMG U FGT GET A CB500"..
Suggestions please
(To Silentwar, they are Aprillia RS50's.)