I gave up street riding for a year because I kept trying to exercise my track skills in the wrong environment, which were also still fairly underdeveloped at the time.
My reasoning for getting the bike is as follows:
1. I'm an advanced group trackday rider and fully licensed racer. I have no need to ride hard on the street.
2. Riding to work is a lot more fun than driving and I missed it.
3. It gives me an alternative vehicle to use if my truck is ever in the shop.
4. I'm hoping it keeps me more "rider fit" between races. Not being on the bike for long periods of time means my riding muscles haven't really developed properly.
5. I'd like to do some light touring, which none of my bikes have ever been suited for (the EX500 was close enough but the wind protection wasn't really there).
6. If I ever get a girlfriend, it'd be nice to take her on rides.