Poll : Who deserves to be respected more?

The very fast drivers who don't neccessarily have WRs and aren't as devoted.
No doubt, WR setters are the the ones to look up to and admire. Absolute devotion.
Anybody who comes along, joins in, races fair (but firm if they like), doesn't cause other users grief, goes away smiling & lets others go away smiling.
I'd much rather have a fun, clean, close race in the middle of the pack than get rammed into a wall by someone at the front.
i respect drivers who finish the races they start, regardless of where they place or how fast their best lap was. conversely, i don't have much respect for quitters, nor drivers who cause accidents because they don't have the patience to wait for a safe opportunity to pass.
I voted for the second option, since that's as close to my answer as it can get in this poll. I play LFS for over a year now (not that frequent) and I know I'm not on the pace to beat the best. However, I surely enjoy a good fight in the middle to end 5th or 6th, instead of leading 10+ seconds on a server full of rookies. Anybody that plays this game as it's intended (clean, fair, no or nice words in the chat) gets my respect.
#30 - Gunn
This poll is useless.
Right now with the UFR @ KY2R i'm able to drive quicker then the WR. I'm quite happy about that but seriously, what is the point.
A WR is only valid as long as there are no incompatible patches and the only thing is says that you're only good in 1 lap.
I have more respect for the people who I drive on the track, and surprise me with good moves.
I respect:

-Drivers who help others.
-Drivers that you can race with side by side.
-Drivers that move out of the way if they are being lapped.
-Drivers who strive to improve.

Respect is earned, not given.
Respect is something that only gets offered with familiarity - otherwise its just fanboy shit and I don't do that.

So, as I haven't been around here very long, the asnwer to "when does it begin?" is "Not yet." But my respect is available to anyone who cares enough to articulate what they do without arrogance or assumptions, and who cares enough to compete from start to finish to the best of their ability.

Records ain't got nothing to do with it.
I tend not to respect anyone unless they show me respect. but personally, I have respect for the guy who, even though he may be like me, middle to back of the pack, doent give up. keeps fighting hard for that 10th or 11th place, and says well done to everyone afterwards.
#36 - Gunn
#37 - Ast
I respect the people who see the race as more than a position.
I like to race with Karma.
Quote from Gunn :This poll is useless.

+1 from me for that. Cause it doesnt nearly cover the real important tasks. Like racecraft, stable throughout a season, team-player etc. Those are skills I respect by far more than hotlap WRs. Why? Cause everytime a decent league comes to a car-track combo no one except the usual hotlappers drove before, the WR is crumbled to dust and beaten by a second or more. The real racer, doesnt care about WRs, that's all
Quote from Ast :I like to race with Karma.

Never heard of him..what server does he race on
#40 - Ast
#41 - CSU1
This is all gettin very gey
Quote from Ast :I respect the people who see the race as more than a position.

I guess the exact meaning of this sentence is something personal, but I agree. In fact I respect everyone at the beginning, or I'd like to think so. Sometimes respect is eventually lost for some reason (wrecking, rudeness, unneeded aggressiveness, inability to perform reality checks, plain stupidity). Luckily it doesn't happen too often.
#43 - col
what a rubbish poll

imo the folks who should get most respect are the ones who race hard but fair and are always courteous to others (including noobs!). There are too many (still a minority though) of very fast drivers who only respect other fast drivers... these guys don't deserve respect however fast they are !!
Great lappers aren't necessarily great racers. There are a lot of racers online who lap like they are from another planet but don't know how to interact with other drivers.
Some have the overtaking abillities of the AI drivers.
Quote from sidi : ... i guess the most respect would go to someone i can race side by side without any major incidents as to me thats what lfs is all about.

Yep, fair players always get a :up: from me.
#46 - Davo
Two options and both wrong, what a poll. People have to earn respect, you don't just get it by breaking a WR or being devoted to lfs.
Quote from Becky Rose :WR's and laptimes hold no rellevance to me in the slightest. All the respect I give to follow racers is earned when my wheel arches are gently brushing theirs.

I could not have said it better then Becky. Speed and records have mo meaning for me. I respect the drivers that I can race door to door with lap after lap and battle for position with constantly in a ever changing dance for position.

The drivers I respect most are the ones that show me level the respect that they want to recieve from me and that can race on any line no matter how far from ideal it may be.
Quote from Gimpster :I could not have said it better then Becky. Speed and records have mo meaning for me. I respect the drivers that I can race door to door with lap after lap and battle for position with constantly in a ever changing dance for position.

The drivers I respect most are the ones that show me level the respect that they want to recieve from me and that can race on any line no matter how far from ideal it may be.

And that sums it up for me too - along with Becky's comments

I do admire those who can hit the ridiculous lap times but for me, it's the drivers who I battle with lap after lap cleanly and fairly who earn my respect. Those who wait if they accidentally take you out, those who want nothing more than to have a good race - regardless where thay may finish.
Quote from Biohazard :

still, the best drivers, judged by their performance, are people without that many WRs.

Agree, Agree, Agree
Yes, this is a rather silly poll IMO but lets keep in mind that the people who play this game aren't all fully developed adults (including the 'adults'). Calmly demonstrating to the younger guys/gals that respect comes from the quality of your person and not how good or bad you are at a game would be the RESPECTABLE thing to do in this situation, not saying "This poll is useless".

However I think I get the general intention the poster was going for so in tune with what i just said: I give the most respect to people who do their best to enjoy the game while not ruining it for anyone else while being apologetic if they do make a mistake. The same goes for people who are able to be humble enough to forgive people who make mistakes which wreck them or something like that because they are either new or simply human.