XCNuse, now that we got the names and descriptions of wedge and staggar settled, I totally agree. I do happen to like oval racing, I've been a Nascar fan for years and have played Papyrus's Nascar sims for years. I found LFS 8 months ago and haven't really touched anything else since, though. I did do a fresh install of windows and after a few months of my brother-in-law hounding me, I did finally get NR2003 installed back on the hard drive, but still haven't actually loaded it up. I haven't raced the oval but for a few test laps when S2 was released. I immediately knew there was something missing when I hit the first corner, and that was the wedge and staggar. It just doesn't feel right and to me is impossible to race there without that feeling. No big deal, LFS doesn't put NR2003 into the ground, so if I want oval racing, I have that to fall back on. But it would be a huge improvement in oval racing to have these settings. Then again, IRL, Nascar is the only racing series that I am at all familiar with. Do they have these settings in other racing series other than American oval racing? I don't even know if there IS oval racing anywhere outside of the US.