It would be a challenge, but great fun to try and develop custom AI 'characters' to plug in to LFS !
First instinct is that it would require something like Scawen developed for the current AI (that 'learns' a line iteratively and 'understands' how to control the car using the same inputs we get... )
combined with some specializations and refinements of the
Steering Behaviours developed by Craig Reynolds...
(These allow fairly natural group behaviours using understandable and very efficient code)
Would be interesting trying to set up a set of character variables like aggression, concentration, graceUnderPressure, wrecklesness, stamina etc. that could then be tweaked by editing a text file (or via some dialog widgets)
The downside is that Scawen would have to make public some of the internals of the LFS codebase... even if he was happy to do this, there would be some(dunno how much) work involved in 'sanitizing' the code interface - to stop folks being able to do silly things with it

Still it would be fun if He just incorporated some sort of high level tweakability into the new AI system something like the character variables suggested above.