The online racing simulator
Why do u guys hate Rfactor?
(44 posts, started )
Why do u guys hate rFactor?
Well, im not saying all of u guys hate RF but allot of u guys say rCraptor etc.., why? I think it's a good game because of the good mods and thats why allot of people play it. LFS is also a good game but because of the good physics and that's why also allot of people play this game. So u don't have to rename Rfactor just because u hate it . I'm getting Rfactor soon but that wont let me play LFS less.

I dont hate rFactor, but i'm not going to spend any time driving in it because I have tried it already, and trying it was enough.
#3 - joen
Hate is such a big word. I don't use the word rCraptor often, never actually, but I do think it's crap. You should see what is said about LFS on RSC sometimes, it's the same thing.
Some people will like LFS, some people will like rFactor, some people will like both.
People have their preference, it doesn't mean they hate the other.
#4 - ajp71
The physics are a quick last minute copy and paste job on most mods (GTR included), the ISI engine is limited but it is not as limited as most mods would have you believe and if you suggest that a mod has less than perfect physics you tend to get told you're disrespecting the creator or that you're wrong because it has great graphics/is 'fun' so therefore the physics most be accurate :doh:

Why do people keep making such useless threads?
like "Why do you hate rFactor?" or "Why do you hate drifting?" of "Why do you all hate [insert something here]?"

#6 - Renku
It's not rCraptor, it's rTractor!

Quote from Funnycat :[:doh:]

Why do people keep making such useless threads?
like "Why do you hate rFactor?" or "Why do you hate drifting?" of "Why do you all hate [insert something here]?"


Was my thread about Why Is LFS So Much Better Than Games Off The Shelf Worthy Enough

I dont like it for one reason, rivaly.

I am LFS through and through and I dont like RF for the rivaly reason.

I have tried it and I really didnt like it, I didnt feel like I was driving the car and it was very arcad-y
i guess because it is a littlebit arcadey the people like it, but i still think its a good/great game
I dislike it because of the pretty awful car physics, poor performance on a decent PC, an alomost complete lack of any mods that feel like cars, poor sound, cartoony graphics, awful force feedback, awful menus... need I go on.

And yes I have it installed currently (to betatest a couple of mods), and no I don't use it unless I have to.
i bought it and had a bit of a go but could never get into it. The FFB always felt terrible, even if i fiddled with the settings, and there was no way of feeling when the car was on the limit. Plus online worked terrible, the cars never looked connected to the track like lfs does, which is very off putting when ur right on their tail and they are moving sideways round a corner or halfway thorugh a wall (this was on a local server btw)
Hate? Someone must have very little problems in life that they can spend time hating a piece of software. But thinking it's crap? Hell yes I do. Maybe not crap as a game, but surely as a simulator and modding platform.

First of all, the physics over the grip limit are beyond 'lacking', and considering that racing fast is a constant effort on staying as close as possible to the limit, you're bound to go over it quite often. That however means, that you encounter these cringe worthy flaws on a regular basis, which is already enough to put me off. Looking at the fact that many people have tried to get the cars to work correctly over the limit, but none of them succeeded yet (as far as I can tell), doesn't exactly make the situation look any better. So much to being fully moddable.

Speaking of that, it seems to be less of an actual modding platform, rather it looks like an unfinished game without any effort to lock/encrypt the game content. Left out in the open to be rescued by the modders so to say. A worthy modding platform would not only have made sure to provide a usable solution to the version mismatch dilemma, but also to actually document the files in such a fashion that modders don't have to take wild guesses and get things to work by trial and error. Whatever talent some of the modders might have, it is IMO wasted by the inevitable crap physics that come with every mod. I'm not saying that every modder should be a physics expert - on the contrary, they shouldn't even have to care about tyre physics. Instead they should slap on tyres of type XY on the car and it should simply work in a believable way. I just can't see that happening for any game that is based on the ISI engine.
because they are heathens that eat children. If you'd bother to read the EULA
you'd notice a small detail in it mentioning that a percentage of the proceeds made from sales goes to the Global Church of Satan. It is also believed that they are helping fund the violent McMurdo Separatist Movement in Antarctica.
It's also thought that they are financing plans to cause the Yellowstone Caldera to erupt.
Yes, there's much more to rFactor than it being just another glitchy race game. They are evil incarnate and must be stopped. As I type this, there is a strange black car with really bad physics parked outside my house. I know too much and they are on to me. oh no! two fat pasty slobs in bad fitting race suits are at my front door trying to get in. One seems to be out of breath
from walking to the door. The other is clutching his chest, but still has one free hand.... Quick! somebody email 911!!! Help!!!! -ACK-

rFactor is above and beyond any of the other so-called racing sims out there. never mind what was previously typed.....I was delusional.
There is nothing wrong. all is fine. And don't bother reading the EULA, just click yes. All is fine, everything is going to be OK.
Go to the rFactor forums for further indoctrination and reeducation.

uh, actually I don't know a damn thing about rFactor. and I wouldn't be surprised if half the people dissing it do either. And to be honest, I really don't care one way or the other about rFactor. It's just another game title.
Quote from Becky Rose :I dont hate rFactor, but i'm not going to spend any time driving in it because I have tried it already, and trying it was enough.

I can really only agree to that
More than enough actually
I have never said I hated rFactor. If the download to test out rFactor wasn't 688 mb, perhaps I would try it. It took me 4 nights to download GTL just to try it only to find that at 320x280 resolution and directX 6 graphics only netted me a slideshow at 15 FPS. I'm not going to try to download rFactor, that would take me a freakin week.

So, dialup, that's the reason. From what I've heard, by the time I would get any of the mods that were compatible, it would no longer be compatible and I'd have to search for the new version.

Anyone know of a "demo version" of rFactor that is a more reasonable file size for a demo? Making someone download a 688 mb file for demo is really a bit ridiculous. At least full LFS is only 114 (I think) mb which would make the statement "why bother with a seperate demo version when the full version isn't all that big" an ok reason. You can't say that with a 688 mb file size.
#15 - JTbo
It is basically SCGT on steroids, nothing more, I don't hate it but there is so much what it would be need to become enjoyable to drive and I have big doubts that it ever reaches that level anyway.

Too bad that is only game where you can create car you like that still drives in some situations like a car and yes I know Racer.

What AndroidXP says is pretty much what I think too. Also it can be better than most mods show, but it seem to be there is no big interest in community for anything else than shinier and prettier models so can't see many mods utilizing full potential of engine.
#16 - JTbo
Quote from mrodgers :I have never said I hated rFactor. If the download to test out rFactor wasn't 688 mb, perhaps I would try it. It took me 4 nights to download GTL just to try it only to find that at 320x280 resolution and directX 6 graphics only netted me a slideshow at 15 FPS. I'm not going to try to download rFactor, that would take me a freakin week.

So, dialup, that's the reason. From what I've heard, by the time I would get any of the mods that were compatible, it would no longer be compatible and I'd have to search for the new version.

Anyone know of a "demo version" of rFactor that is a more reasonable file size for a demo? Making someone download a 688 mb file for demo is really a bit ridiculous. At least full LFS is only 114 (I think) mb which would make the statement "why bother with a seperate demo version when the full version isn't all that big" an ok reason. You can't say that with a 688 mb file size.

There might be some magazine that comes with DVD and that may contain rFactor demo too, or then you would need to get someone to send you cd with demo in it, which could be best option actually, if I would live closer I could do it, but sending cd to so far might be bit costly
^^mrodgers you may be able to find the MP test version lying around on the net, which features 1 car/track out of the 2 in the demo. rF/GTR2/GTL/RACE are the same thing physics wise. I've found rF gives me better (but still bad) performance than the SimBin offerings (which are non-starters). TBH though if you're on dial up rF is a lost cause you'll spend most of your time downloading pointless intro movies and incomplete mods that will entertain for about 5 minutes, and trying to find a reliable place to download from isn't easy.
#18 - JTbo
Quote from ajp71 :^^mrodgers you may be able to find the MP test version lying around on the net, which features 1 car/track out of the 2 in the demo. rF/GTR2/GTL/RACE are the same thing physics wise. I've found rF gives me better (but still bad) performance than the SimBin offerings (which are non-starters). TBH though if you're on dial up rF is a lost cause you'll spend most of your time downloading pointless intro movies and incomplete mods that will entertain for about 5 minutes, and trying to find a reliable place to download from isn't easy.

Yeah and those mods would not even work in demo.

It is possible to make an average mod that fits on floppy, you just need to forget silly graphics which are not important anyway, also performance will be really good, driving as fun as you can get from that engine, so really don't see point for mods that weight hefty 500mb

Someone could burn mods to DVD too, so that would not be too much of problem anymore, however there would be needed licensed version of rFactor before that would be any use and I doubt that it will be likely that he would buy that game as most mods are really heavy and also driving is what it is, disconnected from car mostly, even that is mod makers fault
I tried it, it was crap. Tried GTR and GTR2 and they were also crap. Would've tried GTL if it hadn't contained StarForce malware that rebooted my PC every time I tried to run it, but I was consoled by the thought that it's probably crap anyway.

I don't hate it. I don't care what people say about LFS either. I don't have any emotional investment in my computer games - I just play them.
I don't like because it doesn't feel like I'm driving a car. Doesn't feel like I'm driving anything that could exist IRL actually.

If someone could give me a link to control/ffb/settings for a G25 that actually make the game feel even sligtly like driving a car, please give me that link.
oh i wish R factor wasnt built by monkeys
I only played the demo, it wasn't that bad. The physics always felt either floaty or heavy, they just didn't feel right.
Quote from JTbo :
It is possible to make an average mod that fits on floppy, you just need to forget silly graphics which are not important anyway, also performance will be really good, driving as fun as you can get from that engine, so really don't see point for mods that weight hefty 500mb

My current (excluding all previous versions, backups, old tat etc) LFS and rF folders weigh in at 1gb and 12gb respectively. My rF folder has recently been on a diet and contains just the stuff which I might actually want, a lot of the heavy stuff went because the fps were too crap. I don't believe for a minute rF has to take up 12 times the space.
Quote from tristancliffe :I dislike it because of the pretty awful car physics, poor performance on a decent PC, an alomost complete lack of any mods that feel like cars, poor sound, cartoony graphics, awful force feedback, awful menus... need I go on.

And yes I have it installed currently (to betatest a couple of mods), and no I don't use it unless I have to.

That saves me a lot of typing. Thanks Tristan

All i can add to that is..i don't feel like I'm racing a car. Immersion factor 0.
Just tried it again and spent most of my time watching loading screens constantly having to change detail settings, because of the inconsistency in model details different car/track combos need very different settings to get acceptable framerates, some still look like a slideshow even on full settings.

The new 'ring is a good example of this mostly looks great and gives reasonable fps, the GP circuit section always gives low fps. Another example is Cadwell Park, it's a GPL convert for gods sake and I get better fps with 20 cars on GPL than rF with a handful on most mods and GPL looks better, is limited to 36fps and I run it Cadwell with a massive super high res (50mb) texture pack.
(dawesdust_12) DELETED by dawesdust_12 : I'm a sodding idiot.
(dawesdust_12) DELETED by dawesdust_12

Why do u guys hate Rfactor?
(44 posts, started )