I don't think the team has been alive long enough and this thread doesn't give any real impression of your team.
You might have read about teams going from birth to death in less than a month and in some cases much, much less. 13 days is long enough to say anything, good or bad.
Just slowly build things up and gain members, look for leagues or if you have enough of a base (team members or other demo teams) start something up so you can meet and have a wrecker free league.
Don't start all this, "omg my team is not working" after only a few days, making a team is a long, long process (months) so just stick with it. If you want to avoid this 'forum team' tag I'd also use this section as little as possible, you have your own site so make the best use of it as well as other team sites you know.
thanks for your input and advice, but i believe my team has been around for at least a month and a half now. also, are there even any leagues currently established for demo except LFS demo league? and if not, is it possible to make an official league?
You can start a league, just make sure you think things through. Have a look in the leagues section to see what you need to think about, number of races, track configs, number of laps, pit stops, points, rules and regs, date and time (time zone) etc.
Before you do any of this see if you can get a server full of people first and have a practice race or just a few hours of racing. There is no use creating a league if you can't get good people to race in it week after week.
ok, ill take a look at the leagues section and try to make a server> but, when i make a server, it doesnt appear on the master server (it is set to be shown there). any suggestions anyone?
im not much of a computer tech guy, so i dont know much about this kind of stuff . is there anywhere i can find in-depth instructions on how to make a server? thx
by the way, John, if you buy S2, i suggest using a different username, beccause it can't be changed, and if you team falls apart or something (i'm sure it won't), it would be an embaressment to keep with the name
ok ill remember that if i do purchase it, but i dont think ill be buying s2, unless s3 isn't released this summer. btw: wat comes after the alpha stages of s2? beta? and what do those stages progress to? thx
wow 2009? u have to be kidding
im definitely not waiting that long to buy it, so i think ill get s2
news update:
-as the time that team omni will be officially started nears, i am going to make a league for selected demo teams to compete in frequently. ill let u knw when this happens
I would definately suggest to you to get s2, its totally worth it! Best €36 i have ever spent and im sure that you will never regret it Yes, i do believe that s3 will be out 09/10 and it will probably be 2010, so it wont be a waste to buy s2
as of now, the team has officially begun (june 5). soon after practices, we will seek to establish a league and have many competitions for selected demo teams. post here if your team isn't well-known and if you want to have a chance to enter the competition. note that these teams won't be randomly selected but will be selected based on skill and other important factors of the team. ill PM the team leader if the team is invited to join. keep an eye out for new updates
-competitions will take place soon (Team OMNI Selective Competitions (TOSC))
-date and time of the first TOSC competition has been selected (but is not official yet): June 18 at 5:00 pm (17:00)GMT(not official)
-first competition race: Blackwood GP Track Forward (15 laps) ; Server: *undecided*
-i'll give more information in this thread if necessary, so keep an eye out for updates
-4 demo teams will be selected (i will Private Message the selected team leaders and i will post the teams in this thread)
-3 members from each team will compete (@ team leaders: select your 3 best racers)
**Please post here any skilled demo teams that you think should join the competitions, or that aren't well-known, or if you are a demo team leader and want to join the competitions (please give information about the team also)**
Teams of interest (not official): -BMW M Sport -DFH -ZION
are the team leaders on the list okay with the time and race? the race is approaching quickly, so everyone please write any grip race teams you know here. thanks